Saturday, September 14, 2019

Thanks giving speech

Thanks giving speech At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. The time has come to express our gratitude to the persons who have kindled our life with care and affection. At first our sincere gratitude goes to his Excellency Mar Joseph Kohlrabies cam, Who always takes a special concern, affection and who executed this English coaching programmer, thank you dear Bishop.Next our gratefulness goes to FRR. Rejoin and FRR. Santos who were there from the beginning till end, did all the arrangement for the success of this event. Dear fathers from the bottom of our heart we really thank you. We are grateful to FRR. Francis Kampuchea who was always with us and showed the paternal care and affection throughout this event. Thank you father. We also remember Sir. Nancy S. H and Sir. Jean M. S. M. I Who gave special guidance and timely support for our Roth.Thank you. We specially remember all the teachers BRB. Lam, BRB. Raja, BRB. Sander,†¦ Abash Sir, Rashes Sir and Arnold Sir, Who took pain and patience to teach us and make this event more colorful one thank you dear teachers. Next our appreciation goes to all the fathers and the sisters who came over here to see our programmer and always support us with prayers, thank you dear fathers and sisters. We are indebted to you. Thanking one and all I remain thank you.

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