Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How Personal Can Ethics Get Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

How Personal Can Ethics Get - Essay Example The three ethical issues of the case were the unethical behavior of Valarie’s boss Water, personal ethical dilemma of Valarie and the third was Valarie’s sharing the company’s sensitive information with her boyfriend who was outsider of the company. In the case I had faced the similar situation like Valerie; I had used the invoices I had found near the copy machine of the copy room of the office area to the CEO of the company. The paper I had found is strong evidence that can be supported by the actions being taken by Water. I would have also clarified my condition to the CEO and request him to not reveal my name unless some strong action is being taken against Water. I strongly believe the CEO himself would understand that in order to sustain the growths and have competitive advantage such practices should be discouraged and strictly prohibited. The company also has a replacement for Water and an effective team of people who like to work. I would never have shared the organizational information with my boyfriend or anyone close to me. I would have prepared myself for the alternatives so that if things go worst than I have an option for myself. The world does not end there. My moral values are the base for my ethical standards which do not allow me to go against the company interests and policies. The stressors for Valarie are result of poor work place environment, unethical behavior of the boss and the personal factors like work visa and educational issues. The stressors for Valarie are the situational stressors like unfavorable working conditions where the immediate boss is involved in unethical practices and her own frustrations of not being able to do anything about it (Scheck et al, 1997). The second category of the stressors is anticipatory stressors like unpleasant expectations and fear (O’Driscoll and Beehr, 1994). The unpleasant expectations are the expectation raised due to the personal

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