Friday, September 13, 2019

Romantic Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Romantic Era - Essay Example A number of European society’s aspects transformed the romantic era in different ways. For instance, in romantics â€Å"nature† meant many things. It was perceived as a source of image and subject, as healing power, as an artificial form of civilization (Geoffrey, 2004). Romanticism gave a lot of emphasis in accurate description of natural phenomena and capturing of â€Å"sensuous nuance† which was a true representation of romantic landscape. Other aspects of European society that transformed the romantic era included symbolism and myth. Symbols borrowed from the European society in romanticism were viewed as human artistic correlatives of emblematic language in nature (Hye-Kyung, 2005). They were given a lot of value and attention, since they could suggest many things simultaneously. One can say that the myths were partly used because of the desire to communicate â€Å"inexpressible† by use of the readily available language resources. During this period, people’s love for nature and imagination had prospered, flourished and skyrocketed. The main tenets of romanticism included individualism, emotionalism, and nature. These three main qualities are visible repeatedly in a number of very important and lasting artists, authors, musicians, and so forth. In romantic art and literature, nature was portrayed in a romantic manner. For instance, in artistic paintings such as the kindred spirits done by Asher Durand nature is portrayed alongside friendship between two men (Irving, 2004). In the painting, the two men stand on top of a cliff surrounded by very beautiful scenery. Use of light in the painting makes it to appear somehow hazy but well illuminated. Use of lush and green trees in a mountainous background creates an emphasis of simple, pure beauty of nature. Emotionalism is another tenet deeply shown in romantic literature. The romantics had a common belief that opening one-self or â€Å"using

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