Monday, September 30, 2019

Discussion Questions About Nursing Essay

What nursing theory or theorist is used in your place of employment, or which one should be used? Why? What is the link between concepts and theories? How are theories tested? What is the difference between theory-guided practice and evidence-based practice? What nursing theory or theorist is used in your place of employment, or which one should be used? Why? What nursing theory or theorist is used in your place of employment, or which one should be used? Why? What is the link between concepts and theories? How are theories tested? What is the difference between theory-guided practice and evidence-based practice? 6. How are theories tested? General Questions – General General Questions In chapter 1, specific explanations are given of the terms â€Å"disability† and â€Å"handicap†. Create a scenario of a student with a â€Å"disability† and discuss at least three â€Å"handicaps† that could be needlessly imposed on this student. Include discussion of what the special education services team should do to eliminate those handicaps. If you plan to move to a different state, or if you are going to live on the campus, think about whether you really need to bring your car. It may be difficult to find a place to park, especially in crowded cities. In addition, you may struggle to pay for the registration, insurance, and high gas prices. This is definitely true if you do not work. The work NUR 513 Week 3 Discussion Questions includes solutions on the following questions: What nursing theory or theorist is used in your place of employment, or which one should be used? Why? What is the link between concepts and  theories? How are theories tested? What is the difference between theory-guided practice and evidence-based practice? Wha†¦ Click this link Now for Complete Course – If you plan to move to a different state, or if you are going to live on the campus, think about whether you really need to bring your car. It may be difficult to find a place to park, especially in crowded cities. In addition, you may struggle to pay for the registration, insurance, and high gas prices. This is definitely true if you do not work. General Questions – General General Questions In chapter 1, specific explanations are given of the terms â€Å"disability† and â€Å"handicap†. Create a scenario of a student with a â€Å"disability† and discuss at least three â€Å"handicaps† that could be needlessly imposed on this student. Include discussion of what the special education services team should do to eliminate those handicaps. †¦

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Odysseus analysis Essay

‘Odysseus himself, Pheidon said, had gone to Dodona to find out the will of Zeus from the great oak-tree that is sacred to the god, how he should approach his own native land after so long an absence, openly or in disguise. So he is safe and will soon be back. Indeed, he is very close. His exile from his friends and country will be ended soon; and you shall have my oath as well. I swear first by Zeus, the best and greatest of the gods, and then by the great Odysseus’ hearth which I have come to, that everything will happen as I foretell. This very month Odysseus will be here, between the warning of the old moon and the waxing of the new. ‘ Through Pheidon’s point of view, this passage illustrates Odysseus’ return to his homeland of Ithaca, which is near the end of his journey in Homer’s book of â€Å"The Odyssey. † Also, this passage shows the relation Odysseus had with the Greek gods, notably the almighty Zeus. In those days, to seek advice from the goods only few had the privilege of doing. This shows that Odysseus was heroic and important in those days. The next passage which exemplifies Odysseus’ journey is when he first reveals himself to his loyal supporters, Philoetius, and Eumaeus in his home country after 20 years: (Book 21, page 282, lines 200-206) ‘Father Zeus,’ the cowman said, ‘hear my prayer. May some power lead him home! You’d soon know my strength and the power of my right arm. ‘ And Eumaeus added a prayer to all the gods that the wise Odysseus might see him home again. Odysseus, thus assured of their genuine feelings, said: ‘Well, here I am! Yes, I myself, home again in my own country in the twentieth year after much suffering†¦. ‘ This passage is significant in Odysseus’ journey, because this is the first time he is revealing his heroic identity. Odysseus was looking for companions to fight alongside him against the suitors, but he first had to find his loyalists. After Philoetius and Eumaeus genuinely showed their gratitude for Odysseus, he finally reveals himself after 20 years. The next passage takes place during a conversation between Penelope and Odysseus. After a period of 20 years separated from each other, the two finally have time to converse. Odysseus starts with his heroic victory over the Cicones: (Book 23, page 308, line 310-313) â€Å"He began with his victory over the Cicones and his visit to the fertile land where the Lotus-eaters live. He spoke of what the Cyclops did, and the price he had made him pay for the fine men he ruthlessly devoured. † In this passage, Odysseus describes his heroic journey to the fertile land where the Cyclops lived. He then explains about how he made the man-eating Cyclops’ pay for what they had done. This passage really sheds light upon Odysseus’ heroic side, because he acted for the good of men on that journey. Part 2. Risk taking: Odysseus is first to act when hunting a pack of savage boars. (When he obtained his infamous scar on his leg. (Book 19, page 261, lines 446-450) â€Å"†¦. Odysseus was the first to act. Poising his long spear in his great hand, he rushed the forward, eager to strike. But the boar was too quick and caught him above the knee, where he gave him a long flesh-wound with a cross lunge of his tusk, but failed to reach the bone†¦. † Trusting: Odysseus out Philoetius in charge of his estate’s cattle, which proves that he put trust into his true friends. (Book 20, page 271, lines 209-211) â€Å"†¦. Odysseus, that marvellous man who put me in charge of his cattle in the Cephallenian country when I was only a youth†¦. † Courageous: When Odysseus had travelled to Telepylus, the Laestrygonians had destroyed his fleet, and all his fighting men. Odysseus then had to escape alone on the black ship. â€Å"†¦. Next he told how he came to Telepylus, where the Laestrygonians destroyed his fleet and all his fighting men, the black ship that carried him being the only one to get away†¦ â€Å"

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Quality and Reliability Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Quality and Reliability Management - Assignment Example This essay discusses that the Six Sigma method functions very well within health care processes. Six Sigma ventures within health care industry concentrate on delivery of direct care, managerial sustenance and monetary supervision. Six Sigma ventures can be carried out within the following health care procedures. †¢ Raising competence in X-ray room †¢ Decreasing turnaround period in arranging medicinal information †¢ Recuperating patient approval on ER †¢ Dropping bottle necks in emergency unit †¢ Dropping cycle time within a number of in-patient as well as out-patient investigative divisions †¢ Decreasing the amount of medicinal inaccuracies and for this reason improving patient security †¢ Boosting the precision of lab results †¢ Raising the precision of billing procedures and, as a result, decreasing the quantity of billing blunders †¢ Enhancing bed accessibility across a number of divisions within hospitals †¢ Decreasing the amount of post-operative injury issues as well as associated injuries †¢ Enhancing surgical competence †¢ Decreasing duration of stay in ER †¢ Decreasing inventory levels †¢ Enhancing patient list precision Critical success factors have a vital part in the execution of Six Sigma ventures in the health care industry. The heads in health care industry must think about the use of Six Sigma from the perception of recuperating the value as well as potential of existing procedures as well as the capacity of procedures to carry patient care along with security (Frings & Grant, 2005, p. 315). Using Six Sigma within a health care division is not simple, and if top executives are not involved, it is â€Å"almost certainly a formula for failure† (Anthony, 1995, p. 240). The use of Six Sigma must start with a broad outline of Six Sigma company policy for the top executive group, guaranteeing buy-in as well as dedication for the execution. Six Sigma venture supporters in charge for recognizing and controlling ventures should be cautiously selected. The choice of correct individuals is significant for the implementation of Six Sigma ventures. Once the Six Sigma infrastructure is classified with the assistance of a Six Sigma specialist with sufficient knowledge from service sector, guidance may start. The venture supporters should collect a fine summary of Six Sigma basics in addition to the abilities necessary for venture selection, project prioritisation, and venture scoping as well as project implementation. Possible Six Sigma ventures in a healthcare setting may link to functional procedures for instance, billing or workflow or they may entail medical process such as prescription management (Taner et al, 1988, p. 331). There are quite a lot of obstacles occurring in the way of health care sector for concern before the execution and exploitation of Six Sigma

Friday, September 27, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Plagiarism - Essay Example Such practice can never be totally prevented but there are ways individuals could minimize this (Oxford Brookes University). As students, we should aim to learn and not rely on easy solutions like copying another person’s paper rather, should think that in working on one’s paper, the student improves or even discovers his/her skills and abilities. While one may really write the paper, some practices might not be undertaken during the process that could lead to plagiarism like not referencing and others aforementioned. For students to avoid this then, they are advised to manage their time so as not to cram and copy other’s works which could be the easiest solution. While looking for references, it would be advisable to take notes using one’s own words, keeping a list of sources and documenting the references (Caroll, 2004). Probably the strongest influence would be to cling to what is right, that which is in line with the law. Institutions on the other hand can also perform their part by giving clear instructions to students regarding their works considering other students might not know what referencing means or they do not know how to go about the paper. Carol advises teachers to give different tasks for students, to prevent them from copying from each other and comparing their works and also change the writing styles so that they will have second thoughts of buying essays from the internet. In doing this and imposing punishments to those who would be caught committing the crime, students would think of keeping their dignity and learn the hard way (Oxford Brookes University). Caroll, Jude. November, 2004. Deterring, Detecting and Dealing with Plagiarism: A Brief Paper for Brookes Staff for Academic Integrity Week. Oxford Brookes University. Retrieved from:

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reaesrch Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reaesrch Analysis - Research Paper Example This was necessary in order to ascertain the accuracy of data and help in statistical analysis. On the part of Kramer, et al. (2008), they adopted randomized or true experiment research design in their study. It had a double blinded trial with placebo controlled comparison between children aged below six years using acetaminophen and ibuprofen. In these two groups, the two medications were alternated with placebo in order to check whether there was a 0.6o C difference between the groups. The rationale for designing this study in this way was so as to check temperature differences between the two groups under study. As such, it was proper because they were checking on the efficacy of these two antipyretic drugs. Link between the Research purpose/question and Design There is a definite link between the research question and design in the study carried out by Britz, J. A., & Dunn, K. S. (2010). The aim of this study was to check on quality of life of patients with heart failure in relat ion to deficits that occasionally arise from healthcare provision. According to Newell & Burnard (2006), data that is used in any scientific study should be collected or based on parameters that are a reflection of the desired outcome. In this regard, the data was collected from three different sources which touched on quality of life. In order to make the design more elaborate, personal data of the patients such as age was also incorporated into the study. The same is true for the study undertaken by Kramer, et al. (2008) who were trying to find the efficacy of two antipyretic drugs. From practice, it is clear that these two drugs acetaminophen and ibuprofen are commonly used interchangeably by pediatricians to handle fever problems in children. However, there have been doubts about their efficacy when used together. To check on these doubts, it was necessary to use a controlled double placebo randomized study design. Intervention in Each Study There were no interventions in both t he studies. The Independent and Dependent Variables In the study undertaken by Britz, J. A., & Dunn, K. S. (2010), the dependent variable is quality of life whereas the independent variables were specific self-care deficits. In this study, there was no blinding because it was a descriptive study that relied mostly on data from other sources. According to Newell & Burnard (2006), descriptive studies usually use data from other sources as opposed to data that is measured scientifically in a study. In this regard, the data were either obtained from the patients through questionnaires or from charts of patients. On the other hand, the study by Kramer, et al. (2008) had temperature as the dependent variables whereas efficacy of acetaminophen and ibuprofen was the independent variable. In this study, there was blinding on both groups under study since both of them were using the two drugs. In each group, the participants were supposed to be put on one of the drugs and placebo according to the required dosage prescribed. Each group was assigned a specific drug which was supposed to be administered alternating with the placebo. The pharmacist who administered the drugs to both the groups was not blinded and therefore knew what medication each group was being given and the schedule being followed. However, for the children, their parents and guardians were blinded as to which regimen was being administered to the subjects.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Myth's of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Myth's of Innovation - Essay Example The Apple team realized that there was a potential to improve on the design of existing digital music players using existing technology. The iPod wasn’t developed as the result of a sudden epiphany; it was a product of the steady design process to refine the digital music player. The development of the iPod shows that good ideas are not hard to find. The important components that make the iPod work were all taken off the shelf (Grossman 68). The FireWire connector that allowed data to be transferred to the iPod much faster than the USB connection used by the rival Nomad was existing technology from Apple. The hard drive for the device was developed by Toshiba without any idea what such a small hard drive could be used for. The battery had already been developed by Sony for cell phones. The iPod was not developed by some lone inventor. A team of designers at Apple worked on the device and used components developed by teams of engineers at other companies (Grossman 66). While th e iPod has become a popular electronic device, it also shows that innovation is not always good. The popularity of digital music players has created problems for music producers due to rampant electronic piracy. The Internet was originally created as a network of computers for the military. With the threat of a nuclear attack during the Cold War, the Internet was developed to be a robust computer communications network (Berners-Lee 80). The Internet was not the product of some epiphany. It was steadily developed over several decades before becoming what it is today. Despite being initially developed for military applications, the Internet eventually became a popular computer network for personal and commercial usage. The Internet was not created by some lone inventor. Many teams of individuals worked on developing the network protocols (Berners-Lee 81). These teams worked on developing the Internet over several decades, and these teams worked towards many different outcomes during t his time as the network slowly transitioned from a military network to a predominantly civilian network. Many of the developments in the Internet over the years haven’t been a bottom up approach of the best ideas winning. Many of the changes have been enforced in a top down manner to force users to adopt new network protocols (Berners-Lee 81). When changes were not the result of top down pressure, innovation in the Internet was not based on solving an existing problem. Instead, the Internet was frequently a solution in search of a problem. Much of the content on the Internet was created to attract ad revenue instead of being the product of the communication possibilities in the new medium (Berners-Lee 84). Although it accounts for a sizeable portion of the bandwidth, the Internet wasn’t created to stream movies, music, pornography, and e-mail spam. Those applications were developed to use the potential of the Internet. The zipper is one of those devices that was invent ed independently several times until it caught on. But once it did catch on, the zipper dominated the market in clothing fasteners. The independent discoveries of the zipper show that good ideas are not hard to find (Stringer 18). If the idea was so hard to come up with, multiple people would not have invented it independently. Despite the problems with the zipper after years of use, the convenience factor allowed it to eventually beat out the button that has been around for thousands of years. The difficulty faced by the zipper

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Capital Structure and Firm Value Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Capital Structure and Firm Value - Assignment Example The perfect capital markets are not characterised by any market frictions like trading costs, taxes and the information is easily transmitted between the investors and the managers. M&M made a clear distinction between the financial risk and business risk faced by a firm. While the financial risk refers to the choice of risk distribution between the bondholders and shareholders, the business risk refers to the uncertainty of cash flows of the business. It has been pointed out by Miller and Modigliani that changes in leverage does not cast any significant influence on the cash flows generated by the business. Therefore changes in leverage cannot alter the value of the firm. According to them leverage simply defines the distribution of cash flows between the bondholders and the shareholders. As per M&M model the value of levered firm (VL) is equal to the value of unlevered firm (VU). Suppose there are two companies- Company 1 and Company2. It is assumed that the two companies have identical cash flows and belong to same risk profile. The difference between the two companies is with respect to financing. M&M state that the market value of the two companies is same. Suppose the pay-off of Company 1 in good state is 160 and in bad state is 50. This company is financed only by the equity mode of financing. Similarly the payoff of Company 2 is 160 in good state and 50 in bad state. It is financed by the combination of debt and equity. Suppose the total debt of Company 2 is $60 and its market value is $50; the market value of its equity is $50. Then the value of the Company 2 is- Modigliani and Miller have stated that the â€Å"value of leveraged firm† is equal to the sum of â€Å"the value of unleveraged firm plus tax advantage of debt†. Miller modified the equation obtained under MM Proposition without taxes (Lee, et al., 2009, p.208).   

Monday, September 23, 2019

Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Microsoft - Essay Example r of business organizations compete with Microsoft using an open source commercial model by adjusting and then dispensing open source software to customers at insignificant costs and thus earn revenue on complimentary products and services. Such businesses do not bear the total costs of development and research for the software. Further, advertising-based firms models look for revenue through delivering third party adverts to final consumers who get the software at no direct cost as Microsoft pays for the costs indirectly. Benefits in market acceptance of advertising or open source based software may unfavorably affect the company’s revenue, sales, and operating margins. The total subscription and license costs can vary depending on the available license levels and having a Software Assurance license. Microsoft Company has adapted the Elixir Workflow system, which is rich, web-based settings that that lets Microsoft connect many processes and people into certain business projects or activities. By using this technology, predefined business rules are achieved to get the company on toes. It manages and tracks different tasks linked to a project from distinct actions to approvals. This technology has helped Microsoft to visualize its daily operations and identify areas of productivity advancements. The Elixir Workflow System is configured based on the rights of the users and preferences. This ensures efficiency in production processes and security for the products (Lopatka and Page, 2007) With the use of Elixir, multiple applications can be achieved with only one interface. This provides Microsoft with a flawless approach to interoperability. For precise productivity, the system offers a full set of trading process management operations including decisions and branching, event-driven interactions, and automated activities. Generally, the Elixir Workflow System is a significant technology to Microsoft’s productivity as it integrates various Computer programs

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Food And Wine Tourism in Newzealnd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Food And Wine Tourism in Newzealnd - Essay Example So, in order to enlighten the importance of Special Interest Tourism, this paper talks about â€Å"Food and Wine tourism† in New Zealand. Special interest tourism It is the type of tourism that involves tourist’s holiday choice that is totally inspired and influenced by their specific motivation and desire. There are different forms of special interest tourism, like education, beauty, sports, food, cultural and entertainment (Cook 2007, pp.63). Different countries have different specialties, for example Dubai is famous for its shopping, and New Zealand, Australia, and Turkey are famous for their food. Read defined specific interest tourism as â€Å"The travel for people who are going somewhere because they have a particular interest that can be pursued in a particular region or at a particular destination. It is the hub around which the total travel experience is planned and developed†. (Ritchie, Carr, & Cooper 2003, pp. 28) Food and Wine tourism The special inte rest tourism that has been selected for this paper is â€Å"Food and Wine tourism† in New Zealand. The food and wine do not mean mere eating and drinking, but are related to the respective country’s culture and heritage. ... es of specialist food production regions are the primary motivating factors for travel.†(Buhalis & Costa, 2006) Food is directly related to a country’s heritage, culture, and traditions. Food is considered to be a major component of tourism, whatsoever is the type of tourism; food always acts as a tourist attraction. So, intentionally or unintentionally, the tourists are always seeking excellent quality food and wine when they are on their holidays. Wine tourism Today, wine is making quite a large business for the last few years. Wine production has been increased at a massive level in different countries like New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Europe, and this has resulted in development of the tourism industry in the respective countries. Moreover, â€Å"wine tourism is a subcategory of food tourism, which implies visit for specific high-quality vine to vineries, vineyards and restaurants to a country. The wine tourism also includes visit to the wine festivals in a pa rticular country†. (Buhalis & Costa, 2006) Food and wine tourism does not mean a trip to a restaurant; rather it is the desire to taste and experience a particular type of food or a special traditional cuisine can act as a motivator to travel across the home country (Thach, 2007). Food and wine tourism characteristics and typologies Food and wine tourism is flourishing due to a number of reasons around the world. The most important and predominant reason of promoting the food and wine tourism is to improve economic growth. Moreover, food and wine tourism has gained attention due to increased interest in the other country’s societal values, environmental interest, and their culture. Today, many people and countries are showing interest in dining and cooking, subsequently which has resulted in an

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The film Mississippi Masala Essay Example for Free

The film Mississippi Masala Essay The film Mississippi Masala portrays the Asian’s varied and confused identity in a multiethnic together through an interracial love affair between Uganda-born Indian woman Mina (Sarita Choudhury) and an African-American man Demetrius (Denzel Washington) in the American South in 1990. The results of this union are intolerance and hostility from both communities. Nair’s film is controversial and complicates the double complications of black and white but also challenges of huge problems of national and ethnic belonging. Mina’s culture origin is Asian Indian, Ugandan by birth, and is American by migration. This interracial couple is strongly opposed by the minority of (White Americans) communities; namely Mina’s. The film addresses the characters identity politically, in the interethnic encounter. The end finds the couple forced to elope to escape the pressures and pursue a new life outside of Mississippi. Mina embraces her memory of her childhood in Uganda in the 1970’s. She feels comfortable in the black disco in Greenwood. She embraces her identity as African despite her family’s exile from Africa and migration to America. Mina, on the other hand settles in Mississippi with her family via England and works as a maid in her parents motel and belongs to the Asian Indian community in her adopted country. She is very close to her relatives and attends all the groups wedding ceremonies and other social events. Mina represents herself as the good girl, never an outcast among her Indian friends and relatives until her relationship with Demetrius is found out. Mina’s identity here becomes more complicated than her inheritance from her Indian culture. Mina is the Masala in the title; a metaphor, describing her embracing her Ugandan, African, and American roots. Director Mira Nair chose the word Masala to describe diaspora’s concern with identity and group structure. â€Å"I believed strongly that to be a Masala is to be mixed is the new world order. So many of us think one language and are forced to speak another. † Works Cited Mira Nairs Mississippi Masala. Ed. Peter X. Feng. Screening Asian Americans. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002. Dir. Mira Nair. Burbank, Calif: Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. First released by Mirabai Films, 1991.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Negative Effects of Societys Dependence on Technology

Negative Effects of Societys Dependence on Technology Introduction Communication is the exchanging or transferring of a message between a sender and a receiver. Communication devices nowadays is commonly used throughout the modern world to send and to receive information. Communication devise are used in personal life, business, and even society as a whole. The devices might vary, but the object is still the same, to send and receive information. There are many types of communication device such as computer. The computers such as home computer and laptop computers became a vital communication device in modern life. Computers has given the user the ability to communicate using word, video, and audio. A computer enables the user to access the internet such as social networks, emails, and more. Computers are also used in various field in factories. And also computers are used in automotive vehicles. An automotive vehicle can have multiple computers that communicate between each to maintain proper functionality. A laptop computer is a mobile computer. T hey have the same functionality as desktop computers such as accessing internet, email and video conferencing. Secondly there are smartphones. A smartphone is a small computer that also functions like a telephone. Smartphones typically include digital voice service, internet access, email and text messaging. Unlike a telephone, a smartphone can do a lot more such as photo snapping, audio recording and more. Smartphones also run a wide range of computer applications for business and entertainment. And there are also Tablet PC such as ipad. A tablet PC refers to a tablet computer, a kind of mobile computer, they usually have touchscreen or pen-enabled interface like some of the smartphones. It is also a tablet personal computer, a type of tablet which runs an adapted version of a desktop operating system. They normally have the functionality as a computer. Dangers of a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact  for communication Physical Health Issues Using a computer can cause back, neck and shoulder pain, eyestrain, and overuse injuries of hands and wrists. Spending too much time on computer can contribute to obesity and other health problems. But you can reduce these risks with proper workstation design, better posture and good habits, such as taking rest breaks and restricting time spent playing computer games. The more time a person spends on a computer, the less likely the person is to participate in physical activities, which can result in weight gain. A person also is likely to experience eye and back strain and possibly repetitive injuries from computer use. Beyond these issues, computers can create turmoil for users by reacting slowly or suffering from viruses and other problems, requiring repair. The more dependent users are on their computers, the more likely these setbacks will affect their stress level and overall health. Besides, facing too much computers will lead exposure to radiation. Anonymity One of the main issues with computer-mediated communication comes from a lack of accountability with users. People are able to represent themselves as whatever they want on Internet forums or social networks, and this creates communication problems in both directions. A user may distort who he is by not providing accurate details about himself, and this lack of honesty affects how that person is viewed. The cloak of anonymity allows a user to potentially infringe upon socially accepted practices like tolerance or politeness. Violation of Privacy Communicating via computers can help people bridge large geographical gaps and access remote information, but doing so may open up a persons privacy more than he might want. With an in-person meeting or phone conversation, there is a relative assurance that details of those exchanges will remain private. However, with email, text messaging or message boards, there is a record of what people say. Information is not just thrown out into the air like speech, but it stored as a permanent record. There is an inherent danger when third parties can access these online conversations. Similarly, social networks and other Internet-based communication tools are vulnerable to privacy breach, as users often engage in these activities on public networks, leaving personal information, potentially, out in the open. Misinterpretation The fact that most communication taking place on computers comes in the form of text can actually be a negative in terms of our ability to understand things clearly. Even with email, it is possible for information to be misconstrued or the emotion of a statement to be missed. Saying thanks a lot to someone in an e-mail message, for instance, could be used to genuinely relay gratitude. On the other hand, it could indicate a negative feeling of someone being put in a tough position. The context clues that a person provides with their body language and tone of voice are lost in this scenario. Users get around some of this confusion by using emoticons keyboard characters that serve as a shorthand for mood and feeling but a great deal of subtlety can be missed without seeing how someone reacts with their body language and voice. One of the dangers with multimedia tools is that people using those tools are unable to gain instant feedback like face-to-face conversation offers. Even on vid eo conferencing and video calls, one participant or the other can easily step outside the range of the camera and make faces, look at other stimuli such as emails or websites, or even make comments that cant be heard by the other correspondent. This behavior may lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Additionally, text-only communication such as email and texting has a lack of immediate feedback. The participants are unable to read body language, tone of voice or facial expression. This lack of feedback often leads to misinterpretation and offense. One particularly difficult kind of multimedia communication is sarcasm or cynicism. That humour is often taken literally in multimedia communication situations, leading to hurt feelings. Cannot spell, use proper punctuation, or proper grammar Many people in generation Y have poor literacy skills. They may be able to read and write weel enough to communicate, but they cannot spell, use proper punctuation, or proper grammar. People will (and are beginning to) miss out on face-to-face contact and thus their social skills will decline. It is possible that after decades of having no, or extremely limited human contact, that we will loose the ability to read body language. This could cause all sorts of misunderstandings and problems. Having limited human contact will cause us to have even less trust in others, and in turn, we will be even less friendly and even more stand-offish. It would lead to an array of health issue such as vitamin deficiencies and depression from lack of sunlight and obesity from a lack of movement. Loosing social skills They lack social skills and also their humane side gradually dies out cause the anonymity also makes them brave enough to be nasty to others and that catches on like wild fire just see how people answer in the religion and spirituality section it’s like a training school for nastiness Dependency Societys dependency on computers for communication is also a dangerous game, as outside forces can prevent communication in a variety of ways. Earthquakes, floods and hurricanes have caused various slowdowns and stoppages of Internet connectivity for people all over the world. Additionally, reliance on social networks and email can have the unintended consequence of opening a person up to identify theft attempts and email scams. Even the outside force of political unrest can threaten a users ability to communicate, as the 2011 demonstrations in Cairo and Libya resulted in government shutdowns of the Internet, drastically curtailing each countrys ability to communicate, both nationally and internationally Stalking Another danger of multimedia tools is the ease with which a person can stalk another. Numerous computer programs use GPS technology to track individuals. Addresses and phone numbers can be found by anyone with a computer and basic search abilities and, with map programs, public records access and other information online, its relatively easy for a determined individual to stalk anyone they choose. This is particularly true of public figures or celebrities, who are monitored at every turn. Hinder family relationships Technology nowadays offers a plethora of ways to communicate so that the members of each family can keep in touch. From text messaging, Skype, webcams, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and emails. The facilitation of communication is very available. However, there are still times when the face-to-face communication between human being fall through the cracks and technology would take control over a family. Some of the family members do not communicate to each other by face-to-face, just because communicate through technology like social interactive online networking is convenient , they choose to send messages through it and not just walk out of their room and talk. Social interactive online networking like Facebook and MySpace has changed the way family members communicate. As a child of a family, I assumed that the problem was more to be on the child side, such as texting through a family dinner, spending most of the time immersed in Facebook. In my opinion, the families that had the wo rst relationship were those who overwhelmed by the amount of technology used in their home. I would suggest the families to solve this problem by having a central location for every of their members to communicate or having a specific time for the members to stay together in a place to have talks. This might be helpful in maintaining the relationship of the members and keeping technology from taking over the life of a family. Conclusion Computers have enabled a large degree of change in how the world communicates and shares information. With all of the benefits that computer-based communication has brought society as a whole, there are distinct disadvantages when compared to face-to-face conversations. The borders between direct face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction will fade away, but they will never completely disappear. Not all forms of socialization can be transmitted by digital media. There are all kinds of experiments in which scientists try to implement digital duplications of smell and feeling into the computer. It is possible to simulate very limited forms of touching. But this almost nothing compared to the high sensibility of our tactile organs. Especially for our intimate personal relations this is an enormous disability. Computers will probably never reach a stage of sophistication at which they can mediated direct human interaction completely, for the simple reason that computers dont have a h uman body. Human beings know and feel certain things because they have a human body. No organism without a human body will ever know and feel the things in the same way humans do. Thats the crucial reason why computers can never be really intelligent.It is understand that the development of information technology has been changing the way of our live completely. Everything become more easily, but, at the expense of personal contact, as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. This brings the serious dangers for a society which depends on computer screen rather than face-to-face contacts. This matter, not just bring bad side for our society, but also for our health. One of the biggest dangers is that people start to live a life without any social contacts. Everyone (who likes to sit in front of the computer) starts to live in his or her own world, a world dominated purely by their computer screen messages. Living in an illusion that millions of friends are ou t there always waiting for you. Friends that will support when you have a bad day, or will cheer you up when you are sad. This ‘artificial bubble’ starts burst as soon as people get into real problem, such as losing their job. From that problem, will lead to another problem. Let say, if we like to live our life in front of our computer’s screen, we are getting lazy and not going out for a walk. Our movement gets limited only in our home. This will makes us isolated from the society outside which we might become lonely just communicating with the computer. For me, this is very bad habit for people to get isolated from the real life. Apart from that, depending on a screen rather than meeting face-to-face is very bad for health. It will make our spine back ill. Sitting for a long time and looking to a screen also makes our eyes bad. This will cause healthy problem for us. We always feel not good with our spine back and we also maybe have to wear eyeglasses when we h ave a problem with our eyes. From my reading, light from the screen can cause bad side for our eyes if we continuously looking at computer screen the whole day long.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Review of Research Paper on Insulin :: Biology Diabetes

Missing Graphs BACKGROUND: Let's go back to the 1920s, when diabetes was discovered and the study of glucose began. There was a scientist named Minkowsky, and he wondered what caused diabetes. So, he did something crazy: He took a urine sample from a normal patient and a sample from a diabetic patient, and tasted them! He observed that the sample from the diabetic patient was sweet, so he concluded that diabetes had something to do with high glucose levels (lots of sugar in the blood). In the same decade, two scientists named Benting and Best performed another experiment to see which chemically made pancreas would do the best job in lowering glucose levels. This led to the discovery of insulin. Moving on to the 1940s, scientists were curious about what exactly insulin had to do with glucose. Basically, insulin increases the amount of glucose that gets transported to the plasma membrane of every cell in your body, so the breakdown of glucose will be faster. Now, the question was quantity vs. quality: did insulin actually make the glucose transporters work better, or did insulin simply increase the number of glucose transporters within each cell? This is what this paper answers. PROCEDURES: When looking at the methods in this paper, it is easy to get lost and confused amidst all the scientific terms and complicated language. However, when broken down into simpler terms, the methods used in the experiment in the paper become much clearer and create a basis for understanding for the remainder of the paper. Following is a short and understandable explanation of the methods used in the paper and also an explanation of the experiment that was performed to reach to conclusions in the paper. * The first method mentioned in the paper is the collagenase method. This method refers to the collagen that holds the fat cells that were extracted from the rats together. * This method is simply the breaking down of the collagen between the cells in order to separate and isolate them. * Another method used in the paper is refereed to when talking about homogenizing the cells. * This method refers to mixing up and grinding of the fat cells to make into an evenly distributed soup like substance that can then be used in the experiment. # When the homogenized soup is prepared, it is them put into a centrifuge tube and centrifuged.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Personal Narrative - Russias Communist Society and its Government :: Russian History

Lenin promised peace to the Russian people, but it was an illusion that never came, for the country where my great-grandfather remained with the majority of my family soon sunk into civil war. Untouched by man, the snow lay still and smooth, cloaked in white purity. Guilt filled my every step as piles of snow crumbled helplessly under my heavy feet. At the door I paused to look upon the path my footsteps had made only to become discouraged at the beauty I had destroyed. Silently, she sat by the drafty window in her dimly lit apartment. Her long, silver hair fell in frantic, unruly curls about her face, yet she made no attempt to brush them aside. When she spoke, it was not as if she was directing her words toward me, or anyone else in the room. Instead she spoke to the window and the winter winds blowing feverishly outside. She asks if I ever noticed how one could feel and smell a snowstorm hours before the first flakes begin to fall. The harsh Russian winters of her youth had left her with a sixth sense in predicting oncoming blizzards. Slowly she lets out a shallow sigh as she remembers how her family could feel the oncoming revolution months before 1917. The Bolsheviks' climb to power was a slow and involved process, much like the time it takes for a few snowflakes to turn into a blizzard. She tells how the smell of revolution was powerful enough to encourage the majority of her family to escape Russia before it was too late. Her father, however, was a Cossack, a royal officer to the Tsar and a servant to Russia. Despite the Bolsheviks' increasing power and the threat of revolution, her father remained close to the Tsar, putting himself in constant danger. For the first time, tears fill her eyes, and she tells me the sad horror that the Revolution inflicted upon her family. Like an unstoppable force of nature, the Russian communist party not only tore apart the government of 1917, but also divided families and destroyed the lives of many Russians. The woman sitting in the chair revealing her life story to me is my grandmother. Although the memories are painful for her to recall, she states how important it is to know one's heritage. As a child, I was weaned on the stories of my Russian ancestors, and in school I had read textbooks discussing the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Going Against the Grain: “Updike a&p”

Going Against the Grain: â€Å"Unity of Effect† in Updike’s â€Å"A&P† â€Å"A&P† is a short story by John Updike that tells the story of three girls who enter a grocery store and attract quite a bit of attention from: Stokesie, the manager; Lengel, a checkout clerk; and – most of all – Sammy, also a checkout clerk. The story follows the thoughts and actions of Sammy as he observes the three girls who are only dressed in bathing suites. The notable points are Sammy’s interaction with another customer, the interaction with his fellow checkout clerk Stokesie, and ultimately his boss and manager Lengel.The story comes to an unexpected climax after Lengel tells the girls to leave the store because of their indecent clothing and as a result Sammy decides to quit. Throughout this short story, John Updike works towards the reader realizing the negative connotations of rebellion and conformity; this is accomplished through several different na rrative devices including – but not limited to – â€Å"first person narration† and â€Å"the unreliable narrator. The first noticeable narrative device utilized by John Updike is that of â€Å"first person narration† where the voice that is created for Sammy is poetically graphic and intentionally provoking; this is clear when one observes how Sammy’s internal narration switches between sharp wit and common slang. This is also proof that Sammy is capable of clear, intelligent thought even though he is merely nineteen years old. The way he chooses to describe things in his mind is truly remarkable as he refers to one of the girls’ hair as â€Å"oaky† and that the light from outside seems like it is â€Å"skating around† the parking lot.It is interesting, however, how Updike continually refrains Sammy’s language by beginning his sentences with phrases like â€Å"You know† and â€Å"Really† which, in effect, keeps the overall language of Sammy seemingly natural. It would make sense to assume that during the course of the story, Updike is deliberately making Sammy use this â€Å"natural† language mixed with sharp wit in order for the reader to be able to distinguish Sammy’s voice from that of Updike himself.Indeed it would ruin the story if Updike used Sammy’s voice to be a stand-in for Updike, or a spokesman for the â€Å"authorial† point of view. Another narrative device that Updike makes use of during this story is that of an â€Å"unreliable† narrator, which essentially means that Sammy voice, which narrates the entire story, should not be simply accepted as infallible, but rather that Sammy’s narration should be thoroughly analyzed.This concept of the â€Å"unreliable† narrator is made clear when one looks at Sammy’s comment on the female mind and how it is completely unknowable; this needs to be taken not as Updike’s ge neral feeling on the particular topic, but rather an account in the characters voice. The device of â€Å"unreliable† narrator can be made even more clearly in the example where Sammy says that â€Å"once you begin a gesture it’s fatal not to go through with it† (343). This can absolutely not be a statement that Updike intended the reader to think he himself was saying.Updike put these words in the mouth of Sammy because they represent an idea that is highly debatable which is coming from a nineteen year old who just might have reason to regret the actions he completes. Understanding this narrative device in Updike’s story is essential to being able to grasp the true plot of â€Å"A&P,† which is the slow revelation of a young man’s character. The final narrative device that will be described here is that of John Updike’s excellent use of â€Å"symbolism† throughout the entire short story that gives rise to the originality of Sa mmy’s thinking and the town in general.One notable use of â€Å"symbolism† within Updike’s story is that of colors. â€Å"Holding a little gray jar in her hand† (341), â€Å"Stokesie with his usual luck draws an old party in baggy gray pants† (341), â€Å"Lengel sighs and begins to look very patient and old and gray† (343). With the above examples pointing towards Updike’s use of the color gray, it is even more important then to notice that the only things that are described in color are the three girls.It could be interpreted that the fact of everything being gray besides the girls shows how the only things important to Sammy at that moment are the girls. In order for Updike to characterize the town, he decides to use animals. â€Å"The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle – the girls were walking against the usual traffic† (339-340). The symbolism is fairly obvious as sheep are known to simply do what the group doe s and not to change their routine; they don’t think on their own, they just follow each other.This could possibly symbolize how tight knit the community was, or how these three girls were an unwelcomed break in the towns routine. Through these three narrative devices, it is clear to see that in Updike’s telling of Sammy the checkout clerk, the reader is supposed to get a sense of the negative connotations of rebellion and conformity. The reader is forced to critically analyze the decisions and thoughts that Sammy makes as a result of the three girls entering â€Å"A&P†, as well as notice the downfalls of stringent, unwavering conformity.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Decision Making Process Essay

It is never easy to make decisions in life, especially life changing decisions. The decision making process is a very difficult process that is used by everyone in one way or another. Some people may alter the decision making process in order to fit their own needs and their own personal circumstances, but there is a model that has been provided in order to show the basic steps. The decision making process model includes six different steps. The first step is to identify and diagnose the issue. After figuring out the issue, then one must figure out alternative solutions to the problem. Before making the choice, one would first evaluate the alternative solutions that have already been suggested. Making the decision is then followed by implementing the solution. Once the solution has been implemented for a little while, the solution must then be evaluated. Choosing a college to attend is one of the most difficult decisions that one could make. For most young people, the decision to attend college is the most important decision they have made thus far (Dolinsky, 2010, p. 62-776). There are costs for the courses, course materials, and other related expenses. There are also issues such as the times of the classes, the courses offered, and the length of time it will take to earn a degree. An individual would have to figure out if the college that they are looking in to is the right choice for them. When debating with myself to attend college, I had a lot to think about, as do others. First I had to figure out if I truly wanted to attend college. With a son, I needed to make sure I was making the right decision for the both of us. I figured out that going to a traditional college was not for me since I didn’t just have myself to worry about. I was already working full time and being a single mother. So it was a little difficult to even make the decision to further my education. I fought with myself long and hard about this situation and finally determined that going back to school was going to benefit my son more than hurt him, especially with me being a single mother. Studies show that more and more students are taking online classes anyway, so I figured it would be a good idea. I even found out that more than 3. 2 students have taken at least one online class, as of 2005 (More Students Are Learning Online, Report Says, P. 32). After I had decided to attend college, I needed to figure out which college or university would fit my needs the best. To find the right college of nearly 4,000 choices, you have to really know what you want, and then carefully weigh out what schools have to offer (Fitzgerald, N, p. 10). I had to do a lot of research into each university that I had available to me. As I previously stated, I could not attend a traditional college as I had little to no time to leave my house. I also needed to determine which university had the degree in which I wanted to obtain, which was my associates in accounting. Then I needed to figure out which university was more cost effective. I needed to ask questions like how much did they charge per credit hour? Were their materials included in with the price? What type of materials was required? There was so much information that I needed to obtain to set my heart on one university. I believe that my thought process in making my decision is a little bit similar to the one that was provided for us. I had to figure out the issue, in which was determining that I wanted to attend college. Then I needed to make a plan to figure out which college would be right for me. This step had a lot of different options. That’s when I needed to evaluate the different options and make my decision. I then chose the University of Phoenix. I gave my choice a chance and earned my associates degree. I evaluated my decision and decided to go back for my bachelor’s degree!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Thousand Splendid Suns: Analysis

Create questions you would ask the author and at least one of the people in the book. Include why you would ask each particular question, and connect the question to a specific event (quote with page #) in the book. If I were to ask questions to the author and characters, they would be about their experiences. The one question I would ask Khaled Hosseini is, All the characters in this book were granted poetic justice, but why not Mariam? Mariam did nothing monstrous to deserve execution; her act of killing Rasheed was done in self-defense and the defense of Laila. Nonetheless, she suffered the shame and punishment from the government under which she lived in. â€Å"Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam. †pg. 364 Even though Mariam’s execution was injustice in my eyes I believe that for Mariam her death sentence was an legitimate end to her life which had legitimate beginnings. Before her death sentence, she recites lines from the Koran asking for mercy and forgiveness which portrays her humbleness and her dedication to loved ones in her life. I would like to ask Mariam why she refused to call witnesses at her trial. Why did she not try to escape with Tariq and Laila? Calling witnesses to her trial could have proved to be beneficial to Mariam; she might not have been sentenced to death but she didn’t even try. â€Å"Remembering the last time she’d signed her name to a document, twenty- seven years before, at Jalil’s table, beneath the watchful gaze of another mullah. pg. 364 There was still a little hope left her, her dreams were to see Laila and Tariq happy and to watch Aziza and Zalmai grow but just like that she gave it all up. Her life had not ended but she still acted as if there was nothing that could be done; she herself gave up her hopes which contrasted her character at the beginning of the book. Lastly, I would like to ask Kh aled why was Laila not given a chance to attend university and complete her secondary education? It is obvious in the early stages of the book that her dream is be educated and educate others so that she can play a women’s worthy role in their society. Her young self is contradicting to what her character becomes. I wonder why after building her family and living in peace she didn’t have the desire to attend university. She had a good opportunity and I feel it would have benefited her and her family a lot. One question I would ask Laila is why she wanted to move back to Kabul? Wasn’t she done with all the suffering and painful memories she endured there? â€Å"†¦Where do we go from here, Tariq? How long do we stay here? This isn’t home. Kabul is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ pg. 390 I realize it was her homeland, she grew up there and the Kabul they left during the war was now half restored; though why would she risk the lives of her family members and their freedom they obtained in Murree. â€Å"It’s a good life, Laila tells herself, a life to be thankful for. It is, in fact, precisely the sort of life she used to dream for herself in her darkest days with Rasheed. †

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Marriage and Obedient Christian Head Essay

For almost 4 years I was married to a beautiful and adulterous woman. In terms of our friends and acquaintances and the public, we were a perfect couple. We held hands when at comedy shows and in malls. We kissed anywhere and everywhere, no matter who was watching or whose paths we crossed. But when night fell on any given evening, my beautiful wife would leave only to return in the wee hours of the morning, just before daylight. What a lovely person she was when we on the town together. I admit that I hung in there for almost two years and was the â€Å"good† husband and obedient Christian â€Å"head†. I ran my companies from home and rarely met clients in person, opting to use Skype for my meetings. When I approached my wife about going to church and seeing a marriage counselor, she balked and I felt abandoned. Too much of that began to make me feel worthless, helpless, and heartbroken. And then came the need to find attention and a woman who would show me appreciation and value; things my wife did not or could not. I began to meet clients out in lounges and at happy hours. Or travel everywhere out of state, or the country to find â€Å"other† women who would welcome this gentleman. I stayed out until daylight many nights. Bedded many women. Travelled on many excursions with strange women. In final, after a sadistically short marriage and nasty divorce, I came to terms with the way I react to pain. Ashamed am I to have turned to my ex-wife’s ways. Ashamed am I to have left my obedience to the Lord. Ashamed am I to have to write about the truth. Though, I know, now, that I would be better if I was ever cheated on again.

Thanks giving speech

Thanks giving speech At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. The time has come to express our gratitude to the persons who have kindled our life with care and affection. At first our sincere gratitude goes to his Excellency Mar Joseph Kohlrabies cam, Who always takes a special concern, affection and who executed this English coaching programmer, thank you dear Bishop.Next our gratefulness goes to FRR. Rejoin and FRR. Santos who were there from the beginning till end, did all the arrangement for the success of this event. Dear fathers from the bottom of our heart we really thank you. We are grateful to FRR. Francis Kampuchea who was always with us and showed the paternal care and affection throughout this event. Thank you father. We also remember Sir. Nancy S. H and Sir. Jean M. S. M. I Who gave special guidance and timely support for our Roth.Thank you. We specially remember all the teachers BRB. Lam, BRB. Raja, BRB. Sander,†¦ Abash Sir, Rashes Sir and Arnold Sir, Who took pain and patience to teach us and make this event more colorful one thank you dear teachers. Next our appreciation goes to all the fathers and the sisters who came over here to see our programmer and always support us with prayers, thank you dear fathers and sisters. We are indebted to you. Thanking one and all I remain thank you.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Romantic Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Romantic Era - Essay Example A number of European society’s aspects transformed the romantic era in different ways. For instance, in romantics â€Å"nature† meant many things. It was perceived as a source of image and subject, as healing power, as an artificial form of civilization (Geoffrey, 2004). Romanticism gave a lot of emphasis in accurate description of natural phenomena and capturing of â€Å"sensuous nuance† which was a true representation of romantic landscape. Other aspects of European society that transformed the romantic era included symbolism and myth. Symbols borrowed from the European society in romanticism were viewed as human artistic correlatives of emblematic language in nature (Hye-Kyung, 2005). They were given a lot of value and attention, since they could suggest many things simultaneously. One can say that the myths were partly used because of the desire to communicate â€Å"inexpressible† by use of the readily available language resources. During this period, people’s love for nature and imagination had prospered, flourished and skyrocketed. The main tenets of romanticism included individualism, emotionalism, and nature. These three main qualities are visible repeatedly in a number of very important and lasting artists, authors, musicians, and so forth. In romantic art and literature, nature was portrayed in a romantic manner. For instance, in artistic paintings such as the kindred spirits done by Asher Durand nature is portrayed alongside friendship between two men (Irving, 2004). In the painting, the two men stand on top of a cliff surrounded by very beautiful scenery. Use of light in the painting makes it to appear somehow hazy but well illuminated. Use of lush and green trees in a mountainous background creates an emphasis of simple, pure beauty of nature. Emotionalism is another tenet deeply shown in romantic literature. The romantics had a common belief that opening one-self or â€Å"using

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Lufthansa case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lufthansa - Case Study Example The company uses internet ticket booking, instead of the traditional agents located in the company’s operational strongholds (Davies 2010, 41). Internet ticketing has been touted as one of the cost drivers in most of the service industry. It is ineffectual to use agencies in the current market trends owing to various reasons, as highlighted in market dynamics. The involvement of agencies means that there has been a good relationship between Lufthansa Airlines and their clients, a third party. For that reason, it will call for a reduction of their profits to sustain the agents in the supply chain. It is thus advisable to deal directly with customers through internet ticket booking. Security concerns such as cybercrime are synonymous with all sorts of online transactions. In the main, they are initiated by people who need to hijack people’s business trails. All the same, in the long term, this is a sustainable business model for Lufthansa Airlines (Davies, 2010, 72). Comparison of the industry wages with those of Lufthansa Airlines show a noticeable gap. This is because of the initiative to hire fewer workers in their teams. As a result, Lufthansa Airlines has managed to offer competitive remuneration to employees, at the same time saving on the resulting

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Critical Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Review - Assignment Example This method is accepted by both governmental and social organizations to meet the needs of the people so that groups of different linguistic range have the same chance to partake in their government and to get services from their government. Language planning preferences usually endeavor to convene these requirements by sinking linguistic variety, where a distinct language is acknowledged as a national language and a single language is affirmed ‘standard’ to encourage linguistic unity in a nation where different languages exist (David, 1988). Considering that languages are organic and active, similar to the societies that give birth to them, it is natural that they contribute to the destiny of the societies of which they form a part. A social order that is healthy with the resources to grow economically, socially, and culturally as well gives rise to a growing language, the same as is obvious in the spread of English and the supremacy of the United States in the worldwide financial system and world dealings. Several people feature the spread of English to a continued existence of most suitable, a normal and accepted course of development. They dispute that contact linking two cultures typically cause the subordination and at times destruction of the weaker culture and their language. Why should one be concerned about that? In an expressive reply, Diamond (1993) says that all must have concern regarding the destiny of languages because of the relation linking language and culture. He explains that when a language is lost, much more than the sounds and structure of that language are gone. Every language is inextricably attached with an exceptional outlook of the world, context, and literature, despite the literature is written or not. He further states that a language is the culmination of thousands of years of a people’s knowledge and wisdom. Also, it is the medium that spread and be responsible for that

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How Personal Can Ethics Get Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

How Personal Can Ethics Get - Essay Example The three ethical issues of the case were the unethical behavior of Valarie’s boss Water, personal ethical dilemma of Valarie and the third was Valarie’s sharing the company’s sensitive information with her boyfriend who was outsider of the company. In the case I had faced the similar situation like Valerie; I had used the invoices I had found near the copy machine of the copy room of the office area to the CEO of the company. The paper I had found is strong evidence that can be supported by the actions being taken by Water. I would have also clarified my condition to the CEO and request him to not reveal my name unless some strong action is being taken against Water. I strongly believe the CEO himself would understand that in order to sustain the growths and have competitive advantage such practices should be discouraged and strictly prohibited. The company also has a replacement for Water and an effective team of people who like to work. I would never have shared the organizational information with my boyfriend or anyone close to me. I would have prepared myself for the alternatives so that if things go worst than I have an option for myself. The world does not end there. My moral values are the base for my ethical standards which do not allow me to go against the company interests and policies. The stressors for Valarie are result of poor work place environment, unethical behavior of the boss and the personal factors like work visa and educational issues. The stressors for Valarie are the situational stressors like unfavorable working conditions where the immediate boss is involved in unethical practices and her own frustrations of not being able to do anything about it (Scheck et al, 1997). The second category of the stressors is anticipatory stressors like unpleasant expectations and fear (O’Driscoll and Beehr, 1994). The unpleasant expectations are the expectation raised due to the personal

Monday, September 9, 2019

Does the new 21st century transformational form of super leader simply Essay

Does the new 21st century transformational form of super leader simply represent the reemergence of traitbased theories of leadership - Essay Example Eventually concentrating on the three main ideas of leadership: Trait theory, Situational or behavioral theory, and Transformational theory, this essay will compare and contrast these ideas in order to discover whether modern ideas of super-leadership is really a 21st century innovation. The first part of this essay will look at the history of leadership, and consider how these theories changed over time, and how they were affected by the politics of the day - whether Weber's hero-based theories fall out of favor because of "charismatic" leaders such as Hitler and Stalin, for example. The essay will then consider the two prime theories of leadership prior to the 1970's; trait theory, and situational theory. Through analysis of all of these historical theories, it is hoped that common perspectives and behaviors might be more clearly seen. Having noted similar themes or behaviors within the historical theories, the next part of the essay will consider transformational leadership, and its development in the twentieth century. Notions of the Super-leader will also be examined. Leadership theories do not just describe leaders of countries, or empires; indeed, leadership theory in the 20th century has also focused upon business leaders; modern theorists consider teachers, football coaches, and even parents, as leaders. There are a great many books written about it also: so anyone who can buy a book from a store can learn the tricks and secrets to being a great leader. Therefore, in order to understand what theorists mean when they are discussing leadership, a definition seems necessary. For the purposes of this essay, leadership is "The effort to influence the behavior of individuals or members of a group in order to accomplish organizational, individual, or personal goals" (National Resources Management, 1997). The main focus of most pre-twentieth century theories of leadership was the monarch, or rulers of countries. Sun-Tzu's theories have already been described: clearly they relate to the idea of a war-lord, or leader with military capability, not the average equipment of the business leader. Rulers were also clearly the object of Machiavelli's work "The Prince"; in his theory, rulers are made great or weak through the popular perception of them: "Whenever men are discussed.they are noted for various qualities which earn them either praise or condemnation" (Machiavelli). In general, he believed

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Maternal bonding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Maternal bonding - Essay Example According to Sosa (1980, pg. 1), â€Å"The human maternal infant bond starts early in pregnancy, has a tendency to strengthen as the child grows older and is affected by numerous factors (see Figure 6). At the present time, data to support the existence of a sensitive period in the human species are inconclusive. Although a majority of mothers feel a sense of belonging to their infants immediately after birth, in some mothers this sense of intimacy commences at a later time. McFarland has pointed out that normal women become attached to their infants at different intervals of time: 41% during pregnancy, 24% at birth, 27% during the first week of life, and the remaining 8% after the first week of life.† The behavior of mothers is influenced by a number of factors. These can include, but are not limited to, the way in which the mother was raised, social and economic conditions, cultural beliefs, parental relationships with the mother’s own parents, and pregnancy experiences to date. The human baby is unable to care for himself, unlike many other animal species. This means that it is up to the mother to extensively care for her infant in order for it to survive. Thankfully, both the mother and the baby have been shown in studies to be ready to interact shortly after birth. Furthermore, the human infant has been shown to be able to interact socially and have far more other abilities than what was previously thought. For instance, the human infant has been shown to interact with his mother via visual and audio stimuli, such as eye contact and turning the head towards the breast (Sosa, 1980). The cultural and traditional beliefs in the area in which a mother resides can influence the behavior between her and her infant. Most cultures consider the birth of an infant a happy event and accept it as a regular part of life. Furthermore, studies show that mothers and babies remain close throughout both infancy and early childhood. Even throughout

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Is Technology Killing Middle-Income Jobs in the U.S Essay

Is Technology Killing Middle-Income Jobs in the U.S - Essay Example While some middle-class workers have joined the top levels of income, a greater number of the middle-class workers have been pushed down to the lower-wage and lower-skill service jobs (Zaccone 1). The actual situation is worse than what it seems to be when studied from the surface. A vast majority of the jobs that have been lost are the ones that might never return, and the experts of the labor market consent that more of them are expected to disappear in the near future (Condon and Wiseman). These jobs from the US are neither only being lost to such developing countries as China nor are they simply factory work. These jobs are increasingly being lost in the service sector that is home to almost two-thirds of all middle-class workers in the US. Technology is rapidly obliterating these jobs. â€Å"If it’s not solved, then in the coming decades you can expect a self-perpetuating privileged elite to accrue more and more of the wealth generated by software and robots, telling the mselves that they’re carrying the entire world on their backs† (Evans). Science fiction has been warning of a future in which man would design his own obsolescence as he would be replaced by machines for decades, and that future has already become the present. The influence of technology on the contemporary systems and organizations is tremendous. Indeed, many of the contemporary systems fundamentally depend upon technology. Benefits derived from the use of technology in the workplace include but are not limited to improved productivity, improved and consistent quality of work, increased reliability of work, and streamlining and organization of different units in the system. Use of technology has benefited the entrepreneurs in two fundamental ways; firstly, it has increased the productivity and quality of work so that there are no reworks and wastage of time, and secondly, increased dependence on technology has reduced the need for manual labor, thus cutting down the co sts of businesses by obviating the need for the entrepreneurs to pay the workers. While on one hand, this has made the circumstances extremely favorable for the entrepreneurs and business owners, the situation is far worse for the workers on the other hand. The richest 1 per cent of the Americans have experienced a growth of 33 per cent in their income over the last two decades and have thus left a vast majority of the average Americans in the dust (Censky). â€Å"Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth†¦while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent of the wealth† (â€Å"American Pie†). The widening gap between the rich and the poor is explained by two fundamental factors; globalization and technological advancement. Contemporary organizations are tremendously dependent upon the technology which can in part be attributed to the rapid advancement of technology. Software that are employed in running the computers and a ho st of devices and machines are upgraded every single year so that they become more powerful and sophisticated. One of the main objectives of designing and introducing new models in the market is to improve the machines’ capability of performing the tasks traditionally performed by manual workforce more efficiently. â€Å"The jobs that are going away aren't coming back. I have never

Friday, September 6, 2019

Medea Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free

Medea Greek Mythology Essay When Medea decides to take matters in to her own hands, about punishing the people who have done wrong to her, she is accused of wanting not justice—vengeance. Because I am not a native of neither Corinth nor Colchis, I have my own view about her motives. However, I would agree with the Corinthian Women, Medea is seeking vengeance; not justice. Some people might argue that Medea is seeking justice. When in actuality, Medea wants vengeance. The opposition would say justice took place because the Gods allowed Medea the time to perform her various acts. Although these things happened Medea turned to vengeance when she took it upon herself to kill Creon and his daughter Creusa. Even the chorus, the â€Å"ideal spectators†, implies that Creon is a poor king when, after he banishes Medea, the First Corinthian Woman sympathizes, â€Å"I am of Corinth and I say that Corinth is not well ruled. †(1. 214-216). This quote gives us proof that Medea has some sort of reason to seek revenge on Creon. However she lets her hatred exceed its boundaries and allows herself to take the lives of the King of Corinth and its Princess all because they chose Jason over her. In addition, her actions all prove that she wants Jason to do more than pay for hurting her. She wants him to suffer at the fate of her own children. Her revenge was selfish. Medea involved the two things she knew would hurt Jason the most—her own children. According to the First Corinthian Woman, â€Å"It would be better for you, Medea if the earth opened her jaws and took you down into darkness. But one thing you will not do, for you cannot, you will not hurt your own children, though wrath like plague-boils aches, your mind in a fire-haze bites the purple apples of pain. No blood-lapping beast of the field, she-bear nor lioness, nor the lean wolf-bitch, hurts her own tender whelps; nor the yellow-eyed, seythe-beaked, and storm shouldered eagle that tears the lambs has ever made prey of the fruit of her own tree. †(2. 115-126). Keep in mind that the Corinthian Women are the conscious of Corinth. Through this quote the First Corinthian Women has stated that Medea could not harm her own children. She even gives examples of the most dangerous predators that don’t even harm their own young. This is evidence that Medea went beyond the state of justice; but she went well into the state of vengeance. Medea knew what she was doing and quite frankly she could care less about anything other than what she thought of what was seeking revenge on Jason. In conclusion, vengeance was sought by Medea. She went above the fact of teaching Jason a lesson; she even stated she hated Jason more than she loved her children. Answer this question is what Medea has done entertaining or morally instructive?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The impact of globalisation in the emerging market economies

The impact of globalisation in the emerging market economies Globalisation is becoming a normal word in todays business environment where different countries are integrating with one another. No country can be self sufficient, they depend on one another. It is very common to see different countries moving from their own nations and invest to other country/countries in order to get markets or resources such as cheap labour. Country boundaries are no longer an issue due to advancement in technology. Globalisation plays a great role on the economical development of different countries in the world especially in the developed countries such as US which has investments in different countries around the global. On the other side of the coin, globalisation has negative impacts on social, cultural, political, technological, environmental as well as economical activities of different countries. The aim of this essay is to assess the impacts of globalisation on the emerging market economies in a double edged-sword, whether it is an opportunity or a threat for their growth. The essay will therefore focus on; what is emerging market economy, characteristics of emerging market economies, the concept of globalisation, its drivers, the impact of globalisation on emerging economies in terms of economic, socio-cultural, environment, technological as well as political-legal and finally make a conclusion of this discussion. LIST OF ACRONYMS FDI Foreign Direct Investments LDCs Less Developed Countries GDP Gross Domestic Product EMEs Emerging Market Economies MNC Multinational Companies UN United Nations IMF International Monetary Fund 1.0 Introduction Over the years it has been witnessed that the aspect of social, cultural, political, technological as well as economical activities of different countries integrating with one another has increased at a rapid rate. The practices that are found in the European countries and the United States are now found in practically at any country in the world. This phenomenon is now commonly referred to as globalisation. Globalisation is not a new phenomenon, for centurys individuals, later companies, institutions and corporations have been trading with each other in locations that are tremendously far from their point of origin. The Asians for example, used the monsoon winds that occurred after a space of six months to move from their countries and reach Africa to trade i.e. buy and sell products to the Africans. China and Europe were also connected during the middle ages through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia. This allowed the two parties to invest to one another which were an aspect of globalisation. This depicts the fact that for a long time globalisation was in existence but not recognised as today as globalisation (Jagdish, 2004). This current situation of the phenomenon of globalisation increasing at a rapid rate has been induced by policies that have opened economies internally (domestically) as well as internationally. One of the main propagators of this was the aftermath of the second world war whereby governments of different countries in the world decided to accept or implement the free market economic system which had an effect on the productive potentials of their countries and generation new opportunities for global trade i.e. the trade was no longer domestic oriented but internationally oriented. This is to say that the policies opened up opportunities for international trade and investments. The Governments have further negotiated the tremendous reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investments. These have opened up new opportunities in foreign markets and therefore corporations have built foreign factories and estab lished production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. This is a defining feature of the late trend of globalisation, i.e. it is an international industrial and financial business structure (Jagdish, 1993). The new opportunities have made other countries that had ceased them to be dominant in the Global economy today. Now more than ever, it is a clear picture that the aspect of globalization has been one of the major contributors to the rise in the economic dominance of many economies such as those in the Asian countries i.e. India, china etc. To date china has now integrated with practically every country around that world. The Chinese corporations have come to be so powerful to the extent that the USA is in debt of more that 10bilion dollars to the Chinese banks. The latter is to say that the phenomenon of globalisation has tremendous impacts on emerging economies. This essay will therefore focus on discussing the impact of globalisation in the emerging market economies; in so doing, the essay will focus on defining the emerging market economies, characteristics of the emerging markets, defining the concept of globalisation, drivers of globalisation, and effects of globalisation on emerging market economies in terms of its benefits and drawbacks socially, economically, environmentally and technologically and finally make a conclusion of this discussion. 2.0 Definitions and Concepts 2.1 What is Emerging Market Economy? Emerging market economies are those economies that their economy and industrialisation grow in a rapid pace while experiencing a rapid increase in information efficiency in an environment. These economies are the leaders among developing countries. To be more precise the following are considered to be the leading emerging market economies Brazil, Russia, India, and China, normally referred top as the BRIC countries. The leading one is China due to high growth of its GDP, technology as well as literacy level, about 93.3% of Chinese total population are literate, this became possible since the Chinese government executed its strategy of prioritising education for its people from lower to the higher levels Discussed below will be the characteristics of emerging market economies. 2.2 The Characteristics of Emerging Economies 2.2.1 Transitional The economy of the emerging economies are constantly in transformational process from closed to an open market, trying to stabilise their economic performances for bringing efficiency and transparency in the capital market. Reform in Exchange Rate System International Monetary Fund and World Bank assist the Emerging Market Economies in reforming their exchange rate systems in order to reduce flow of domestic capital to foreign economies since there is an increase of local as well as foreign investments in terms of portfolio and direct. 2.2.3 Attractive to Multinational Corporations The countries in this category are very much on the list of the favourable environments for investment by the MNC because of the ability to provide lower costs of labour and providing a large customer base. 2.2.4 Large Population The first feature of these economies is the population in their country. The emerging economies have a large number of people in their countries as compared to other countries in the world. In the business terms it means they contain a very large share of the consumer base in their own country. China for example is the most populated country ion the world, and India is also one of the single countries that have many people as almost the entire African continent. 2.2.5 High Gross Domestic Product Growth These economies have a remarkable rate of growth on their GDP. China has been estimated to have a 10% growth rate in the last decade. This rate makes it the fastest growing economy in the world and in years to come it may have the leading economy in the world above the United States of America. Much of the growth however had been due to receiving Foreign Direct Investments from the Triads (USA, Japan and Europe), thought in the recent years the BRIC group has also been investing in the Triads. 2.2.6 Changes in Living style The countries with the emerging economies are experiencing an increase in the change in the life style of its population. There is a tremendous change in terms of industrialization, modernisation as well as urbanization. The rural areas are eroding and more cities with tall buildings and many investments are becoming prominent. Some of the wealthiest businesses and business man are found in these emerging economies. Most of the countries populations are more into becoming modern and more urbanised now than years back. Furthermore the standard of living has improved markedly in these emerging economies. Many millions continue to live in poverty but a growing urban middle class provides an expanding market for both domestic products and for imports from abroad. 2.2.7 Volatility of Assets The worlds interest for the assets of the emerging market economies has risen over the past years. The assets of the Emerging economies also tend to become volatile at times, the returns is really worth risking for. The funds of the Emerging economies have also resulted in a much higher percentage of wealth. 2.3 The Concept of Globalisation Globalisation has been a concept narrated for many years by different scholars world wide. Various dimensions come to light when the term globalisation is mentioned. Basically the issue of integration, in terms of the economy, technology, social aspects as well as politics is of highest consideration when one defines globalisation. Globalisation is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Some scholars have defined globalisation simply as the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development and prosperity, and human physical well-being in societies around the world. Globalisation has been refers to the integration of economics and societies all over the world. Globalisation involves technological, economic, political, and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation, and infrastructure (Croucher, 2004). Others however as previously mentioned have defined globalisation as the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world Globalisation attempts to depict the steps by which the networks in the world in terms of communication, transportation and trading cause the linking (integration) of the regional economies, societies, cultures, as well as technologies. At this point in time most of the world is considering the aspect of economic globalisation as one of the single most significant aspect of globalization. With this in mind economic globalization has been separately defined as the linking of economies of different nations to create an international economy via trade, FDIs, Investment cash flows, and the disperse of technology. Globalisation is usually recognized as being driven by the union of the economic, technological, socio-cultural, political, environmental and biological factors. For the purpose of this essay, we therefore define the term globalization as the rapid increase in the interconnectedness of the different countries economically, socially, politically, technologically as well as environmentally to resemble a single village; the process highly being facilitated by the increase in the information and communication technology. 2.4 Drivers of Globalisation. There are many issues that have been discussed when it comes to why is there such an enormous increase in globalisation and why many countries are opening their doors to this phenomenon much easily than before. One of the most common explanation to this has been summarized in one common and yet unique sentence. That is globalisation is inevitable meaning it will occurs, whether one likes it or not it will happen. Never the less that sentence is too short to provide the core drivers of globalisation but rather only explain that the phenomenon is there to stay. The drivers for globalisation can be put into the following categories: Market drivers Cost drivers Technology drivers Governmental drivers Competitive drivers These drivers are better explained below: 2.4.1 Market Driver This actually refers to when the companies consider the various markets to invest. The shifting of the policies of the different governments in the world top having a free market economy has in fact lead to businesses that had a market that was limited to one country to have a global market that waits for the specific products or services that they offer. At this point in companies in different parts of the world have to greater accessibility of the different countries world wide. If there was a trend of no free market economy, the phenomenon of globalization would have been accelerating at a vey small pace and the major transformations will not have been recognized. At this point in time there is the merging of national markets into a singular massive global marketplace. To sell internationally is now easier due to falling of barriers on the cross-border trade. A company doesnt have to be the size of these multinational giants to facilitate and benefit from the globalization of mark ets (Owens 2008) 2.4.2 Production Cost Driver This becomes a driver when it occurs that the costs of production in your country is greater than in another country for the same product, hence it becomes more advantageous for you to produce in another country than in your own. It refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production. The idea is to compete more effectively offering a product with good quality and low cost. Companies consider the various lifestyle of the country before considering the price of the product and services to render. The companies that find themselves in search for international trade opportunities need to take into account the cost implications associated to where they want to invest. For example one might consider producing certain products in Tanzania than in Europe due to cheaper labour costs etc (Owens 2008) 2.4.3 Technology Driver This actually refers to when there is increasing technology system, transportation, advancing in the level of world trade system. The have been many developments in technology to date and the rate seems unstoppable. These developments or changes in Technological have achieved advances in communication, information processing, and transportation technology, including the Internet and the World Wide Web (www). The most important innovation has been development in the microprocessors after that global communications have been revolutionized by developments in satellite, optical fiber, and wireless technologies, and now the Internet and the World Wide Web. The rapid growth of the internet and the associated World Wide Web is the latest expression of this development. Besides, innovations have occurred in the field of the transportation technology. The development of commercial jet aircraft has reduced the time needed to get from one location to another. Now China is closer to the USA tha n ever (Owens 2008) 2.4.4 Government Driver This refers to the reduction of trade tariffs and non trade tariffs, as a result of reducing the role of political policies. As previously mentioned the adoption of the free market economy has essentially causes the fall of barriers to international trade. Now firms are able to view the entire global as its potential market. The lowering of barrier to trade and investments also allows firms to base production at the optimal location for that activity in order to achieve location economies. A firm might therefore , design a product in one country, create a part/ component parts in two other countries, assemble the product in another country and then export the finished product around the world. The lowering of trade barriers has facilitated the globalisation of production. The evidence also suggests that foreign direct investment is playing an increasing role in the global economy (Croucher, 2004). 2.4.5 Competition Driver The aspect of better products as a result of competition has actually made the aspect of globalisation an essential part in many economies. The competition among companies ensures that there is a production of high quality products globally (Owens 2008) 3.0 The impact of Globalisation on Emerging Market Economies Over the years different debates have existed on whether countries should embrace or be opposed to the phenomenon of globalisation. This debate is pioneered by the likely impact the globalisation has on the various economies or countries in the world. There has been an argument that the aspect of globalisation has favoured already the developed countries while continues to exploit the wealth of developing countries. Below therefore is the discussion on the impact of globalisation on the emerging market economies focused on five main categories; 3.1 Economic impact According to economists, there are a lot of global events connected with globalization and integration. The economy of a nation relies a lot on the business environment that exists. Whether there is high domestic trading or there is a wider range of investments from international companies. Globalisation has enabled the economies of different countries top become integrated. For example, the avenue of international trade now allows countries to have foreign currencies into their economies. Furthermore the aspect of citizens being in one country and owning property in another country is also a reality. The issues of lending has now moved to a whole new level, companies from one country ask for loans from banks in a different country as well as banks of one country can now put branches in other counties which automatically affects the economies. Governments of one nation go and obtain loans from other nations. A typical and yet most amazing scenario is the fact that the American govern ment being in millions of debt to china which is an emerging economy. No doubt globalisation has increased the foreign direct investments in different nations. At this point in time the Mc Donalds company of the United States of America had made a record entry to the Russian and Chinese economy when the policies of these countries had allowed room for the free market economy. The GDP of countries such as china have benefited a lot as a result of globalization. As mentioned earlier chinas GDP has been growing at a rate of 10%, one of the fastest growing rates in the world. 3.2 Socio-cultural Impact Another notable impact of globalisation has been on the culture of various societies in the world. Globalisation has been seen as a catalyst for change in the cultures of less developed countries to be more like those of the developed nations. More specifically it is seen as an imposition of the pop culture (western culture) to other countries. For example the way in which people talk, act, dress etc has changed over the last few decades. The type of music that people listen to globally has changed; even the morals of certain societies have changed. Years back, it was outrageous for women to wear miniskirts in the streets of Arabic countries, but now this is becoming debatable. Even in African countries some aspects are changing. Many people are forgoing their heritage for the new living styles which are believed to be more modernized. Now people believe that if you speak your native language and do not know how to speak English, then you are primitive. All these are a result of globalisation. The way in which people communicate has now also changed. People have conversations via the phone and have reduced the more traditional way of communication which was to visit and see each other physically. No longer are people playing sports outside, they rather play video games, watch movies in the house, all these are a result of globalisation. Furthermore there is a change in the type of ownership in the emerging economies. The aspect of globalisation has introduced a more capitalist system in nations that were primarily involved in communal ownership; the aspect of ownership has become more of individualistic nature. This being the case, there is no longer equal distribution of income among the people of china. This has benefited some of the members who believed that they deserved more for the more work they did but at the same time has created a division among the rich and the poor that was not there in the past. 3.3 Environmental Impact The environment is more of the less discussed factors at times but is ne of the most important aspect that needs to be considered when looking upon the impacts of globalization. The environment basically refers to every thing that surrounds us. In the globalized world more and more business opportunities have emerged for the different businesses in the world as a consequence the businesses that are engaged in manufacturing and involve the emission of harmful substances have increased h=and have caused a destruction in the ozone layer in different parts of the world. Furthermore, the less developed countries have suffered on the environment as the developed countries have used globalization as a means of dumping harmful products from their countries. There had been a ban on several environmentally harmful products in Europe; as a result, the European companies sold the goods to countries like Tanzania etc to not suffer losses. This was a means of dumping their waste products. On the o ther hand though, through globalisation, there are now campaigns all over the world that relate to environmentally protection. International; treaties on environmentally friendly productions have been signed by different nations. The reduction in green house emission treaties have been signed by many nations in the world being led by United states of America and China, the most highly polluting countries in the globe. 3.4 Technological Impact Globalisation has lead to the increase in the spread of technology all over the world. At this point in time, practically all parts of the world are awe-are of the existing technologies every where. The technology that is used in Europe is also used in china and at times even found in Africa. Globalisation has enabled the world to create, modify different technological devices that were founded by some one else in the different part of the globe. The Japanese have been known to modify different technologies that they see existing in the USA. The Chinese are now the ones who imitate all the existing technologies anywhere in the globe. The arena of globalisation has made the latest technologies to exist in every part of the world. Ranging from the latest mobile phones, laptops, video games and all other gadgets, globalisation in one way or the other has ensured that no one is left behind. 3.5 Political-Legal Impact The last aspect that globalization has impacted is on the issue of political and legal environment. Globalisation has been at the centre in the increased international laws that are in existence, the existence on the global organizations that provide principles across the world. The United Nations (UN), the World Bank (WB), the international monetary fund (IMF) and the like. The increased interconnectedness of different counties has enabled the existence of the organizations to crops cut different countries. For example some of the policies in the less developing countries (LDCs) such as the Structural Adjustment Program have been influenced by the World bank, some have been influenced by the united nations etc. This shows how globalization has impacted the political and legal atmosphere of a nation. Country losses its sovereignty in globalization as it is being scrutinized by the international countries. For example all of the countries are now looking at the policies of china and t ry to challenge some of the things that it is doing. In so doing, the sovereignty of the country is being lost (Croucher, 2004). 4.0 Conclusion In general, no one can deny the fact that globalisation is inevitable in todays competitive business environment. The issue is on how the countries take the existence of globalisation. Through in the discussion we saw that there are benefits that are being seen from the existence of the phenomenon, but there are also detrimental effects. All of these depend on the nation and hence the context in which globalisation takes place since each country differs from one another in terms of comparative advantages. There are issues that are related to the loss of a countrys freedom and sovereignty that play a key part on whether to embrace or reject globalisation, nevertheless, globalisation will happen. In a brief overview though one can see that there are many economically related benefits that have been associated with emerging market economies and hence probable cause for the increased acceptance in the phenomenon .The aspects of the expanding sales i.e. where by the emerging economies are having a wider market for its products is a notable reason for the acceptance of globalisation. Now the countries with emerging economies are having the markets in practically in many or any country of the world ranging from Europe to Africa, the Middle East and America. Furthermore, they have now been able to acquire resources such as technology and cheap labour from the various countries that they have invested in. The acceptance in globalisation has also reduced the risks that have been associated with the investment in only their country as there are many fruitful opportunities in other countries. However, in essay 2 critical assessments on the impact of globalisation to the emerging market economies will be discussed by evaluating the positive and negative impacts in particular the culture (socio-culture), economic, technology and environment of China.