Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Audio Lingual Method For Teaching English Language...

A variety of researched methods for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) exist and most of them tend to claim communicative language use as their main goal, but this goal is not clearly evident in every method that claims it due in part to differences that arise from linguistic focuses versus psychological viewpoints. Of the various methods we have studied, the Audio-Lingual Method (ALM), Community Language Learning (CLL), and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) are noteworthy for the similarities and differences in their histories and underlying principles. The Audio-Lingual Method for teaching ELLs is an oral-based method that was researched by Charles Fries of the University of Michigan in 1945. The underlying ideals of this method come from the study of structural linguistics and later the conditioning of behavioral psychology. The main action of this method is drilling students with grammar through repetition. ALM consists of students repeating sentences constructed by th e teacher; the teacher is in complete control of student learning. In this method a student’s L1 is not welcomed in the classroom; in fact, the underlying ideal is that the L1 can interfere with L2 learning, so to avoid negative transfer, students are bombarded with L2 stimulus in quick succession. ALM sees the L1 as a problem for students to overcome. Seeing this method in action, student responses are quick; they repeat after the teacher, possibly not knowing what it is they are saying.Show MoreRelatedGrammar-Translation Method, Audio-Lingual Method and Direct Method1724 Words   |  7 PagesThree of the earliest teaching methods were the Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method, and the Audio-lingual Method. Discuss these three methods. 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It is basedRead MoreEnglish As A Foreign Language1136 Words   |  5 Pages Grammar teaching has an irreplaceable place in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) because of the fact that without grammar learners can use the language in a limited way; they may not achieve to fully express their intentions or meaning of the messages in a communication activity. It has been seen that throughout the history, the attention given to grammar teaching has differed from time to time. In the beginnings of the twentieth century, grammar teaching was regarded so essential that other aspectsRead MoreAudio Lingual Method2617 Words   |  11 PagesGGGV 2044 METHODS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Semester 2 2009/2010 AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD: A DISCUSSION (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT) LECTURER: DR. HAMIDAH BT. YAMAT @ AHMAD LISA KWAN SU LI A123040 TESL/2 2 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Audio-lingual Method (ALM), by its very name – â€Å"audio† and â€Å"lingual† – refers to a language teaching approach that focuses on two aspects of language, namely listening and speaking. Unlike its predecessor, the Grammar Translation Method, which focusesRead MoreKey Features of AL and CLT Approach1363 Words   |  5 Pagesand CLT approach Audio-lingual approach Communicative teaching language approach Approach Nature of language -structural view -Language: a system of structural phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns to express the functional meanings -functional view -Language: a medium for social interaction and communication Nature of language learning Behaviorism – Habit formation via over-learning Learners’ engagement in authentic and meaningful task to promote language learning. 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