Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay On No Child Left Behind Act - 1010 Words

Many Children Left Behind Just as weight is measured with a scale and inches are measured with a ruler, education is measured with an assessment. With the creation of the No Child Left Behind Act, students were evaluated via a single multiple choice test, chosen by the federal government. Not only did teachers learn to teach the test, but students also learned to memorize information rather than learning how to apply it. Math and reading test scores became the number one indicator of how schools were performing overall. Because standardized tests do not validate overall student knowledge, the No Child Left Behind Act is best described as unstable. With one single standardized test, the legislators believed that they had all of the answers†¦show more content†¦A broader focus on individual student education may be the key remedy in improving the education system for all. Rather than focusing on an individual students education, this act was only concerned with schools as a whole. Just as Cooper (2007) explains that a â€Å"one size fits all† does not work in the education department, Gentry agrees completely in writing, â€Å"This one-size expectation does not account for variation among individuals on variables that affect learning such as socioeconomic status, environmental experiences, aptitude, school readiness, and home environment† (2006, p. 25). In other words, Cooper and Gentry understand that students do not develop, learn, or grow in the exact same fashions. One particular multiple choice test does not account for any outside factors; therefore, the statistics that the government uses to make life and death decisions are irrelevant. Furthermore, in Cooper’s view, high ability students were being deprived of learning opportunities due to teachers devoting all of their attention to students along and below the proficiency line (2007). In complete unisense, Cooper writes, â€Å"The classroom simply cannot prepare struggling learners and stimulate advanced learners at the same time†; simultaneously, Gentry argues, â€Å"By conforming and playing the score boosting game, we are denying an entire generation of children quality education while we scrambleShow MoreRelatedEssay On No Child Left Behind Act1247 Words   |  5 PagesIn 2004, coinciding with the conclusion of President George W. Bush’s first term in office, United States Secretary of Education, Rod Paige, released an essay depicting the successes of his administration. Paige’s department spearheaded the initiative sparked by the No Child Left Behind Act, a set of policies enacted to reform education and provide students with an improved degree of learning more suited to the evolving job market. Paige brings light to the findings of his administration, presentingRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act Essay1166 Words   |  5 Pages1. Definition of the Policy The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002, is a comprehensive overhaul of the federal governments requirements of state and local education systems ( It reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and replaces the 1994 Improving Americas Schools Act. 2. General Background Information President Bush has made education his number one domestic priority ( OnRead MoreEssay on The No Child Left Behind Act953 Words   |  4 Pagesare being left behind† ( The â€Å"No Child Left Behind† Act expands the federal government’s role in elementary and secondary education. The NCLB act was enacted January 8, 2002, and has four reform principles to the act: Accountability, flexibility, Researched-based reforms and parental options. Accountability begins with informed parents, communities and elected leaders so we can work together to improve schools. The states will measure the progress by testing every child in grades 3Read MoreNo Child Left Behind Act Essay642 Words   |  3 PagesNo Child Left Behind Act Making the NCLB Act effective is quite a chore for the federal and state legislation. The positive influences for the act are quite controversial. Accountability standards are set and measured on a yearly basis by each individual state. The educator’s qualifications and standards are also state and federally mandated. Reading, math and writing are the key academic subjects that are measured. The goal is to close the gap among race, socioeconomic groups, and disabledRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind Act822 Words   |  4 Pagesof Nation at Risk in 1983, and the enactment of new federal law, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) by President Lyndon B Johnson in 1965 all emphasized or established high standards and accountability within the nation’s education system. In 2002, Congress amended ESEA into the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). This act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, affecting education from kindergarten through high school for over a decade. NCLB calls for increased accountabilityRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act Essay1646 Words   |  7 Pages The No Child Left Behind Act was based on the Elementary Secondary Education Act of 1965. The act was established based on the promise of Thomas Jefferson to create a free public education system in Virginia (Hammond, Kohn, Meier, Sizer Wood, 2004). The act is now reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act was to make sure that children were given a fair, quality education. The act set out to close the achievement gaps in educationRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind Act1303 Words   |  6 PagesNo Child Left Behind Children are the future of this world. In an ideal universe, every child would have the intelligence and skills to become a doctor or lawyer; instead, we live in a world in which intelligence and skills are, across the board, different and unique in every student. In an attempt to create a common ground of intelligence throughout all students, the Bush administration passed the No Child Left Behind Act. Under this act, expectations were created for schools to produce a specificRead MoreEssay on No Child Left Behind Act3562 Words   |  15 PagesThe No Child Left Behind Act Alexis Cross His 324 Dr. Stephan Law February 20, 2010 No Child Left Behind Outline: 1. Introduction a. What I will be writing about b. Why I chose my topic c. What will be covered 2. The NCLB Act d. How it came to be e. What was proposed f. How it has been enacted 3. The NCLB Act g. Arguments in favor of h. Arguments against 4. Statistics i. How the NCLB Act has had a positive impactRead More No Child Left Behind Act Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pages No Child Left Behind Act President Bush quoted, â€Å"Clearly, our children are our future†¦Too many of our neediest children are being left behind† ( The â€Å"No Child Left Behind† Act expands the federal government’s role in elementary and secondary education. The NCLB emphasizes accountability and abiding by policies set by the federal government. This law sets strict requirements and deadlines for states to expand the scope and frequency of student testing, restore their accountabilityRead MoreEssay on The No Child Left Behind Act1440 Words   |  6 PagesInitiated in 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 intended to prevent the academic failures of educational institutions and individual students, as well as bridge achievement gaps between students. This act supports the basic standards of education reform across America; desiring to improve the learning outcomes of America’s youth. No Child Left Behind has left many to criticize the outcomes of the Act itself. Questions have risen concerning the effectiveness of NCLB, as well as the

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