Tuesday, October 8, 2019

LM4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LM4 - Assignment Example Therefore, for communication to be effective all parts must be involves. Among the parts include; the sender, message, channel, receiver and feed back (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). This process may be presented diagrammatically as shown Below; Message sent via various communication channels Feed back Source: (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272) Communication is a complex process that not only involves the sender and the receiver but also involves how the recipients interpret the message (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). This means that communication is not a straight forward process as it seems to be but rather it is a complex and a technical process (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-272). Therefore, it is vital to keep in mind the following considerations when communicating: some â€Å"information tends to be unintentionally complex† because the sender may intend to mean a different thing than what the receivers have understood (Denhardt, Denhard t & Aristigueta, p-273). According to Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273, other messages tend to be â€Å"deliberately complex† the situation may occur in an organization setting where people tend to have conflicting goals. Connectively, one should consider that communication tends to be an emotional matter rather than a rational matter as people tend to interpret information differently (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-273). ... Strategic ambiguity involves application of language or terms that tend to be unspecific. The terms may be applied to prevent some people to grasping the meaning of the message (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-274). Strategic ambiguity may occur when â€Å"conditions are risky and dynamic†, It may occur when â€Å"relationships are not working well especially when the positions for the elites have been intimidated† (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-274). 2. Why is there generational conflict at work? How do the conflicts tend to manifest themselves in actions/attitudes of mature, mid-career, and younger workers? In traditionalists, baby boomers, GenX, and millenials? What specific motivational and communication practices would be most appropriate for each of these four cohorts in the previous sentence? (1?pgs) A generation conflict refers to differences in interest that occurs in an organization among employees at different age groups whereby, employees tend to p ursue different and diverse values from those of the organization (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307). For instance, old generation approaching retirement may dismiss young generation because they believe that young generation lack knowledge and experience (Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307). On the other hand, young generation believes that they are conversant with new technology and therefore they tend to dismiss the views of older generation. According to Denhardt, Denhardt & Aristigueta, p-307 â€Å"seventy percent of older generations dismisses the potential of young employees while on the other hand, fifty percent of young generations tend to dismiss the ability of older generation†. In above connection, young generation

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