Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Football definition Essay Example for Free

Football definition Essay Football is a sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms. Football is a sport with the objective to gain possession of a ball and advance it in running or passing plays across the opponents goal line or kick it through the air between the opponents goalposts. Football is played on a 360 by 160 yard rectangle defined as a field. The players of football are another trait being that each game played consist of 11 players, there is always an offense, a defense, and special teams. In football the uniforms worn consist of tight jerseys so opposing team members can easily be taken down, padded football pants for protective leg covering, high socks to protect their skin from cleats which are shoes with long spikes for the grass fields, and a helmet to protect the head. The equipment used is an oval shaped football. Football is a sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms. Andrea Dixon Eng. 090-03 May 31, 2012 Instructor Case Definition Paragraph Football I. Topic a. A sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms. II. Body a. sport i.the object being to gain possession of a ball and advance it in running or passing plays across the opponents goal line or kick it through the air between the opponents goalposts b. field i. played on a field 360 by 160 ii. A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular c. Players i. A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular field ii. the offense iii. Defense iv. Special teams d. Uniforms i. Jerseys ii. Padded Football Pants iii. Socks and Shoes iv. helmet v. gloves e. Equipment i. Oval shaped ball III. Conclusion a. A sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms.

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