Thursday, October 31, 2019

Small business taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Small business taxation - Essay Example Similarly, some activities of the incorporated may be economically similar to those of the unincorporated small businesses. These activities may be similar in economic terms but they are different legally and in terms of rights and obligations. Crawford and Freedman suggest that these different types of entities could be treated in the same way for tax purposes, but it may not be achievable to do so in a straight forward manner because differences in legal forms between such entities have significant practical implications on taxation. Some of the treatments of taxation of employees and self-employed people may be based on receipts and tax rates. Providing the same tax treatment in relation to receipts may not be possible because receipts vary in nature (Crawford & Freedman, 2008). Business receipts cannot be equated to employees’ receipts. Business receipts need to be treated under rules that may derive profit figure. Furthermore, receipts of companies still require to be deducted for the payment of salaries or shareholders’ dividends. In terms of similar tax rate across the small business spectrum, aligning tax rates to on different levels of income across the incorporated and unincorporated small businesse s requires the analysis of tax charged at both corporate and personal level. This is structurally difficult. The second reason why it is not possible to treat the two types of entities similarly in terms of tax rates and receipts for taxation purposes is because there is a trend in which labour is taxed differently from capital. Higher taxes are often levied on labour than on capital. This causes differentials in tax treatment for different small businesses. Due to this differential in tax rates, there is an incentive of reduced taxes for converting labour income into capital income if possible (Crawford & Freedman, 2008). Incorporation of a small or big business leads to higher scope of conversion of labour income such

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie Review Example merican politics appears to be largely stage managed by the affluent sections of the society, in the climax it portrays a healthy picture of the American politics, where the leaders listen to the voice of their conscience and were the values like honesty, fairness, family bonding and justice manage to thrive over selfishness and untruth. 3. The lesson that this movie tends to convey is that essentially the American politics is value driven. The mechanics and the framework of the American politics and the public expectations are such that they tend to push back the fake and the selfish. Though at a superficial level, many a time it may seem that the privileged sections of the society have a greater say in the political setup, eventually it is the strong undercurrent of integrity and uprightness that always has a final say. 1. Thank You for Smoking, a 2005 film directed by Jason Rietman, is essentially about the exploits of a smooth and smart tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor who uses his public speaking skills to win support in the favor of smoking. The film depicts the ploys and schemes resorted to by Nick Naylor and his like minded friends to mould and influence the public and political opinion in favor of the causes that happen to be basically harmful to the public health. 2. The view of the American politics as presented in Thank You for Smoking is quiet negative and disturbing. In Thank You for Smoking the American politics comes out as a political system that is vulnerable to being managed and influenced by the people who are influential, powerful and deft public opinion managers. The American public is shown as an unsuspecting victim to the schemes of people who are not averse to lying and using faulty logic. 3. While State of the Union ends in the victory of the essential American values like honesty, integrity and justice, Thank You for Smoking tends to project the victory of the powerful and the unscrupulous over the desired political values and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Hardship Of Vietnamese Students Education Essay

The Hardship Of Vietnamese Students Education Essay In a developing Asian country like Vietnam, studying is the most important activity in ones life. Unlike in the United States where going to school brings children happiness, Vietnamese schools are often considered a kind of mental and intellectual training. Except for some special students who are intelligent by birth, most ordinary students have to struggle in order to keep up with very strict requirements of the education system in Vietnam. This reality, however, is not commonly recognized by responsible adults. Because I used to be in that kind of environment, in my point of view, Vietnamese students are constantly suffering from enormous stress. First, parents expectations put students under a lot of pressure. As a matter of fact, most of Vietnamese families struggle to earn enough income to support their lives, and this has not changed at all for several centuries, even when the economic situation has improved a lot. As a result, most parents want their kids to live more comfortable life than the previous generation. This kind of wish is not wrong, because it comes from the hearts of parents who do not want their children to suffer like they did. However, parents use that reason to push the poor children beyond their threshold, for they think that the kids are a tool for them to fulfill the wishes they could not complete when they were young. Most people make their children go to cram school every day, and do not bring them home until eight in the evening. Some other parents make their children learn various subjects, like violin, piano, ballet, or martial arts after school time. They think that those actions help them expr ess their love for the kids. However, the adults do not understand that children need rest after school as much as they need rest after work. Personally, I have seen children in the age below twelve dozing off behind their parents on the motorbike when going home from a martial arts course. Regarding Vietnams transportation situation, it is very dangerous because the kids can fall off the bike any moments. Their own parents do not care, though. Moreover, parents in Vietnam lack sympathy for their children. They do not feel the need to understand their childrens problems because they are parents. When the kids get bad grades, instead of getting encouragement or at least consolation from their beloved parents, they only get some nasty words and even violence. Another mistake that most parents do is that they keep comparing their kids to some other kids on newspaper. The adults think that comparing will make their kids reflect on themselves and behave, but it only brings out negative e ffects on the children. Additionally, parents do not encourage their children to pursue their own dreams, but force the kids to become what the parents want. Most students do not have the chance to choose their paths, and it will lead to many bad consequences in the future if the students are not suitable for that major. To me and most of my friends when we were still in school, going home does not bring any kind of happiness, but only stress and pain. Second, the whole societys idea of success places even more stress on the students. In Vietnam, it is very hard to get a job without having powerful parents. In order to get a good position, a person from ordinary background must have excellent intellectual abilities, which is proved through their degrees and certificates. Therefore, students must study hard ever since elementary school in order to get in famous schools, and eventually graduate from the most well-known universities so as to get a job. Ever since they are young, students are taught that school performance is the only way to determine a persons value. Consequently, if a student cannot excel in class, he or she will be regarded as a useless person who will never get a good life and will probably spend the rest of his or her life collecting trash on the sidewalk for a living. Teachers also cause stress on their students. This traces back to the fact that teachers in Vietnam do not earn much income compared to other professions. As a result, teachers tend to do whatever they can to earn more money for their families. Most teachers have to open extra classes at home as an alternate source of income, which becomes another session of school for children. Unfortunate students are given extremely difficult tests so that they get bad results; then, they are threatened that they can never get good grades unless they become students at their teachers extra classes after school. Unfortunately, most parents do not detect this kind of evil actions of the teachers; they think the children are neglecting their studying, and blame them for the bad grades. This unjust action makes children very disappointed and even under more stress. In addition, many teachers teach their students very wrong ideas about the relation between success in school and in life. In their opinio n, if a student can do math and write good essays, that child will be rich in the future. On the other hand, if a student cannot do math or cannot write a decent essay, the child will most likely lead a pathetic life regardless of other talents that the kid may have. Some teachers, especially homeschool teachers, create a gap between good students and bad students, causing the bad ones many negative feelings toward their better classmates. Moreover, a small number of teachers have a tendency to treat one or two students better than the rest of the class due to their excellence in studying, or just because their parents are rich. In other words, students are taught that the value of one person do not depend on their personalities but on their social background and intellectual abilities. As if there is not enough pressure from their superiors, students create pressure on themselves and on their peers. Most children strive for their parents satisfaction, so they push themselves as hard as they can. They think that only through good grades can they be loved by their parents. Although they do realize that all the adults are wrong about the importance of school grades, they have no way to escape from it, nor do they have enough courage to break out of those invisible chains. As a result, they become the same as the adults who used to mentally abuse them, thus maintaining the vicious circle. Besides, students subconsciously become their classmates source of pressure. Because young children learn a lot from their peers, they are usually confused by their friends hard work and doubt whether they are already doing their best or not, which intensifies the competitiveness between classmates. Another factor that contributes to academic pressure on students is the excessive amount of schoolwork, especially in high school. At my high school, an average student has to attend class lectures for four hours every day from Monday to Friday in the morning. Three afternoons per week, the student have to go to school for another four hours; also, the student has another two more hours on Saturdays for extracurricular activities. After getting out of school at five in the afternoon, the student will most likely engage in another session of cram school, which usually last two hours or even more. Because most teachers offer extra classes which usually last four or three hours per week ,or even six hours for major subjects like mathematics, and a student often has to take at least two different extra classes, the total time for cram school can easily exceed eight to ten hours every week. In total, an average student at my high school spends at least 40 hours per week on going to school s and extra classes, as much time as a normal full-time worker does. However, it does not end there. At home, an ordinary student has to do homework and study for upcoming exams. The time for self-studying varies from one student to another, but as far as I know, half of my class stayed up late to do homework, and the other half did not go to sleep until past midnight. For students in middle and elementary schools, this amount of time is slightly reduced, but it does not mean that the amount of work is. From middle school, a student has to learn 13 subjects a week, all year long, and all of them are compulsory. If the student gets a final score of less than eight in any of those 13 subjects, he or she will probably lose the chance of getting a title of good student, which is very important for scholarships or other benefits in Vietnam. To make things even worse, none of those subjects can be considered easy. One friend of mine said ironically, At school, we have to be as knowledgeab le as Einstein, run as fast as Usain Bolt, draw as beautifully as Picasso, sing as well as Elvis Presley, have communist ideals like Karl Marx, and be as good a person as Mother Theresa. She was not entirely exaggerating, since her words practically described much of the education system in Vietnam, no matter how unbelievable it may sound. Even for pre-school children, the situation is not better, for they are expected to read and write smoothly before actually entering their first school year. Except for my elementary teachers who were all very nice to me, many other teachers will not hesitate to hit a young kid for making a mistake on their exams. Indeed, violence adds to academic pressure as well. Those kinds of pressure has become a part of everyday life, so no students can recognize how stressful their school years are until they get to university and look back on the previous time. Working hard in a long time is not all wasteful, however, because, in one way or another, it strengthens students mind and provides them with more than enough knowledge so as to prevail in foreign countries universities. Still, I hope that one day all those unfair stresses will be lifted away, so that the children can actually enjoy their childhood and no longer see their schools as a kind of prison, just like what I used to do throughout twelve years of my life.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Shakespeare the Psychologist? :: Biography Biographies Essays

Shakespeare the Psychologist? I have found that most of the characters in William Shakespeare's plays seem to be "mad", or mentally disturbed in some way. Shakespeare's characters display psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, senility, psychosexual disorders, and many more. Was this an early form of psychology or was he just relating to his own personal experiences. In my paper, I will discuss some basic concepts of psychology, and how I believe Shakespeare explored the world of psychology through the individuals in his works. I will also diagnose some of his famous characters from the plays “Hamlet” and “King Lear.” Psychological Concepts have been around since practically the beginning of time. Even Aristotle asked questions that would be classified as psychological in today's era (Wade and Tarvis, pg. 5). So Shakespeare was not the first person to use psychology but he may have been the first person to use a form of it in plays for an audience to see. Psychology is defined as the discipline concerned with behavior and mental processes and how they are affected by an organism's physical state, mental state and external state (Wade and Tarvis, pg. 4). It is evident in the plays that I have read that some of the characters in the plays have psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, split-personality disorder, Oedipus Complex, senility, and delusions. Schizophrenia is defined as a psychotic disorder marked by positive symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and incoherent speech; and negative symptoms such as emotional flatness and loss of motivation (Wade and Tarvis pg. 485). A person suffering from schizophrenia may have imaginary events happen to them or have imaginary people in their lives. For example, a man suffering from schizophrenia may believe he has a best friend named Joseph, when in fact there is no best friend at all. This disorder can be treated with medication but never cured. Another disorder showed in Shakespeare’s works is the split-personality disorder. The Split-personality Disorder is defined as a disorder marked by the appearance within one person of tow or more distinct personalities, each with its own name and traits (Wade and Tarvis pg. 479). The Oedipus Complex is another psychological disorder presented in Shakespeare’s work and is defined as a conflict in which a child desires

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Seven Approaches to Studying the Human Body

When studying the human body, there are seven organizational approaches. Each approach studies the body in a different yet unique way and is used in the health care field. The approaches consist of; body planes and directions, body cavities, quadrants and regions, anatomy and physiology, microscopic and macroscopic, body systems and medical specialties. There are three body planes which use different directions: coronal, sagittal, and transverse planes. Coronal plane slices the body from head to toe giving a front and back view.There are two directions that are related with it; anterior posterior, moving from the outside of the body through the anterior part then the posterior section, and posterior anterior, which is its reverse. Sagittal plane cuts the body right down the middle giving a right and left view. Moving medially is to go inwards or towards the middle of the body from the outside and to go laterally is as if moving out or from the midline towards the outside of the body. Lastly, transverse plane divides the body giving a top and bottom sections. The top half is superior and the lower half is inferior.Moving cephalad is moving superiorly, and cuadad is moving inferiorly. Radiologists would use this approach when looking at x-rays or MRI scans to distinguish how the image was taken. There are five sections of hallow space, known as cavities, in the human body, all of which carry-over each other. Starting from the head is the cranial cavity that protects the brain, then the spinal cavity that travels down the middle of the back, then in the chest is the thoracic cavity where the lungs, heart and esophagus are, next is the abdominal cavity which is around the abdominal muscles and last is the pelvic cavity where the hip bones lay.An ultrasound technician would use this approach when projecting images from inside the body cavity onto the screen. The approach to use quadrants and regions is to divide up the abdominopelvic area into four parts, which are quadrants, and then into nine parts out of that which give you regions. (â€Å"Scribd. com†, 2010) This method can be used as a reference to where the organs are located in which area. For instance, in the left lower quadrant is the lower part of the kidney, part of the colon, and the left ovary for women. This type of diagram would help ith position the organs. In the health field, physicians refer to this during an internal exam. According to â€Å"Degreedirectory. org† (1999), anatomy studies the structure of organs and cells. Since cells are a microscopic size the best way to study, using this approach is with a microscope, which is, a tool used to examine cells. Physiology is the study of the function of organ and cells. Organs are of a macroscopic size that means it can be seen with the naked eye. These approaches can be used in many ways in health care.An orthopedic would study muscles and tendons or an immunologist would study blood cells using a microscope. Th e human body is made up of several different types of systems. This means that each system is made up of a few organs, which synchronize with one another and work as a unit. Organs are unable to perform without the help of the other organs in their unit. All of the organs support one another to perform their functions. The gastrointestinal system breaks down the foods we eat into protein, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, which is used for energy, growth and repair.The organs in the respiratory system are the nose, trachea and lungs. These organs help bring air into the body and eliminate the carbon dioxide. There is a system that acts as a defense called the lymphatic system and runs through the whole body. This system’s main function is to make white blood cells that act as disease fighting antibodies. The integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, nails, glands, and nerves. This system’s main function is to act like a barrier to guard the body from the outside world. The skeletal system protects the organs.It is made up of bones, ligaments, joints and tendons. It gives support and structure to the body and a place for muscle attachment and movement. In other words, it holds the body up. Without the skeletal system the human body would be unable to walk or stand up. The muscular system works with the skeletal system to control the movement of the human body. There are two types of muscles; ones that are voluntary such as moving an arm or leg and ones that are involuntary and act on their own such as the beating of a heat or stomach.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in the Icu

Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is a nosocomial infection occurring in hospitalized patients who are mechanically ventilated. These infections are common in ICU settings, difficult to diagnose early, and unfortunately have a high rate of mortality and morbidity. VAP accounts for almost half of infections in ICU settings, up to 28% of mechanically ventilated patients will develop VAP and of these patients the mortality rate is between 20% and 70% (Craven & Steger, 1998). A patient that develops VAP while mechanically ventilated adds days to his recovery as well as thousands of dollars to the care costs. Numerous studies have been conducted across the county in an effort to understand VAP, however very few of those studies focus on the nursing interventions that can prevent this deadly and costly nosocomial infection. Many of these studies focus on the â€Å"bundling† of certain interventions, so the question is does the implementation of a VAP bundle compared with the use of non-bundled interventions decrease the incidence of VAP in ventilated patients. The research that was found in nursing journals along with a related study from a medical journal follows. Cason, Tyner, Saunders and Broome (2007) conducted a study of 1200 critical care nurses and the results demonstrate the variability in the recommended and reported care of the ventilated patient. Their study aims to identify the areas of needed improvement to comply with the CDC recommendations for prevention of VAP. The study consisted of a questionnaire distributed to nurses who attended the 2005 American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute, with the findings demonstrating a need for more education and research in the area of preventing ventilator associated pneumonia. Ferrer and Artigas (2001) also noted the lack of compliance in even the most basic of preventative measures. The study focuses on non-antibiotic preventative strategies for VAP; they suggest the use of antimicrobial hand soap, clorahexidine oral rinses, stress ulcer prophylaxis, prevention of gastric over distension, providing adequate nutritional support as well as frequent position changes. The research also suggests that endotracheal tubes with an extra lumen designed to continuously suction secretions pooled above the endotracheal tube cuff would lower the incidence of VAP by reventing these secretions from being aspirated into the lower airway. The authors also suggest more research be done to further limit the number of patients who develop VAP. Siempos, Vardakas and Falagas (2008) found that after meta-analysis of nine published randomized controlled trials that a closed tracheal suction system has no benefit in reducing the incidence of VAP compared with an open tracheal suct ion system. The preliminary data suggests that a closed circuit would reduce the incidence of VAP, however the data and trials that were reviewed showed that there was no decrease in the rate of infection. Due to the fact that a closed system can be used more than once, and only needs to be changed every 24 hours, it does tend to be more cost effective. Also of note, in two separate trials, a closed system was found to increase colonization of both the respiratory tract and the ventilator tubing. Obviously more research is needed to determine the best intervention when endotracheal suctioning is necessary. Ventilator associated pneumonia is both common and unfamiliar to nurses in the critical care setting, according to Labeau, Vandijck, Claes, Van Acken & Blot (2007). They note that while nurses deal with VAP frequently their knowledge of the infection and preventative measures may be a reason that VAP is still so prevalent in the intubated patient. The research points to the idea that because many nurses are not responsible for the ventilator circuit; they rely on the respiratory therapist to manage the ventilator, they may be less informed than if they had more control and training in the interventions necessary to prevent VAP. The research suggests more training and education for nurses who work with ventilated patients. Research done at the University of Toledo College of Medicine has shown a decrease in the incidence of VAP in its ten bed surgical ICU by implementing a â€Å"FASTHUG† protocol. Papadimos, et al, (2008) explained the interventions that the college used as a tool to educate the critical care team. â€Å"FASTHUG† stands for daily evaluation of feeding, analgesia, sedation, thromboembolic prevention, head of bed elevation, ulcer prophylaxis, and glucose control in critically ill intubated patients. The â€Å"FASTHUG† protocol was emphasized at morning and afternoon rounds and after a 2 year esearch period the incidence of VAP declined to 7. 3 VAPs/1000 ventilator days down from a historical rate of 19. 3 VAPs/1000 ventilator days. Of note, in 2007 the surgical ICU that implemented this program actually had no incidence of VAP from January to May. The research suggests that the use of bundled care processes for ventilated patients may reduce the rate of VAP. The nurs e’s knowledge of the use of the ventilator bundle is crucial to the success of the protocol according to research done at the University of Texas. Education sessions were held with pre and posttests administered as well as observation to evaluate the nurse’s understanding of the bundles. The VAP bundle focused on the elevation of the head of the bed, continuous removal of subglottic secretions, change of the ventilator circuit no more often than every 48 hours, and washing of hands before and after contact with each patient. The research done by Tolentino-DelosReyes, Ruppert and Shiao (2007) suggests that a lack of understanding and knowledge of VAP leads to a higher rates of infection. Observation of the nurses in the study revealed that after the education sessions nurses demonstrated an increase in compliance with the established standards of care. Given the high mortality and morbidity of ventilator-associated pneumonia, compliance in the critical care unit is crucial to reducing the rate of VAP. The critical care nurse is vital to the prevention of VAP, and nurses need to initiate further research concentrating on education and prevention. References Cason, C. L. , Tyner, T. , Saunders, S. Broome, L. (2007) Nurses’ implementation of guidelines for ventilator-associated pneumonia from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. American Journal of Critical Care, 16, 28-37. Craven, D. E. , Steger, K. A. (1998) Ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonias: Challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. New Horizons, 6(2). Ferrer, R. & Artigas, A. (2001) Clinical Review: Non-antibiotic strategies for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia. Critical Care 2002, 6, 45-51. Hunter, J. D. (2006) Ventilator associated pneumonia. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 82, 172-178. doi:10. 1136/pgmj. 2005. 036905. Labeau, S. , Vandijck, D. M. , Claes, B. , Van Aken, P. , Blot, S. I. & on behalf of the executive board of the Flemish Society for Critical Care Nurses (2007) Critical care nurses’ knowledge of evidence-based guidelines for preventing ventilator- associated pneumonia: An evaluation questionnaire. American Journal of Critical Care, 16, 371-377. Morrow, L. E. Shorr, A. F. (2008) The seven deadly sins of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Chest, 134, 225-226. doi:10. 1378/chest. 08-0860. Papadimos, T. J. , Hensley, S. J. , Duggan, J. M. , Khuder, S. A. , Borst, M. J. , Fath, J. J. , Oakes, L. R. , & Buchman, D. (2008, February) Implementation of the â€Å"FASTHUG† concept decreases the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in the surgical intensive care unit. Patient Safety in Surgery 2(3). doi:10. 1186/1754-9493-2-3. Siempos, I. I. , Vard akas, K. Z. & Falagas, M. E. (2008) Closed tracheal suction system for prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia. British Journal of Anasthesia 100(3), 299-306. doi:10. 1093/bja/aem403. Tolentino-DelosReyes, A. F. , Ruppert, S. D. , Shiao, S. P. K. (2007) Evidence-based practice: Use of the ventilator bundle to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. American Journal of Critical Care, 16, 20-27. Ventilator-associated pneumonia. (2008). Critical Care Nurse. Retrieved from http://ccn. aacnjournals. org

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mass Incarceration and Bail Reform Professor Ramos Blog

Mass Incarceration and Bail Reform Jacob Hawks English101 22 April 2019 Mass Incarceration and Bail Reform In 2016, the United States was the leading country for most people in prison with a staggering 2.2 million people behind bars. This is a 500% increase in the past 40 years (The Sentencing Project). It is claimed that the large increase of people being arrested are because of crime and violence increasing. In reality, it is because of new laws being put into effect year after year that put people who commit nonviolent crimes behind bars. America has a prison system problem that needs to be reformed by getting rid of incarceration for nonviolent, low level crimes, revising the bail system, invest more into cost-effective options other than incarceration such as drug treatment programs, and distinguish between people who are ready to re-enter society and those who continue to pose threats to public safety. The War on Drugs was the â€Å"Big Bang† of mass incarceration. In 1980, there were 40,900 people incarcerated for drug related offenses. Today, the number of people incarcerated for drug related offenses has jumped to 450,345 people. Today, there are more people in prison for drug related offenses than there were people in prison for any crime in 1980(The Sentencing Project). There are many stories of teenagers, such as Reynolds Wintersmith Jr., being arrested for use and or possession of drugs who are being thrown in prison and are given longer sentences than adults who commit violent crimes such as rape and murder. Reynolds Wintersmith Jr. was a 19 year old who had no mother and no father and grew up his whole life in what some would call a drug house or a â€Å"dope house†. Wintersmith was arrested for selling cocaine and was given life without a chance for parole in 1994 at the age of 19.(ACLU) Wintersmith has spent more than half of his life in prison for a nonvi olent, drug crime he committed as a teenager. The number of drug related incarcerations have increased dramatically over the years because of laws that are being signed which are causing people, who were once considered law abiding citizens, to now be considered felons. 40 years ago, there weren’t nearly as many laws as there are now days. This is a huge factor in why people would assume that crime rates are dramatically increasing, when the real reason is laws being signed into effect every year. Mass incarceration is also heavily impacted by the racial division in our country. People of color make up only 37% of the population of the United States, yet people of color also make up 67% of the of the total population of the United States prison system(ACLU). These numbers are very skewed. A huge reason for this issue is because of the racial divide in this country. â€Å"African Americans are more likely than white americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; once convicted, they are more likely to face stiff sentences.†(The Sentencing Project). According to research gathered by the American Civil Liberties Union, â€Å"African American men are 6 times more likely to be arrested than white men. Hispanic and Latino men are twice as likely to be arrested as non-hispanic and non-latino white men†(ACLU). The lifetime likelihood of imprisonment for African American U.S. residents born in 2001 is 1 in 3 while the likelihood of a white man to be convicted is 1 in 17(Beck). Colored people in poor or struggling communities are more likely to be â€Å"repeat offenders† than a white man in the suburbs. The average white man typically is seen as having more education, money, and privilege. While people of color in impoverished neighborhoods are typically perceived as being uneducated and poor. Police also tend to use more force and enforce the laws more strictly in poor areas or cities than they would in a normal city. African American citizens are being pulled over and hassled on the streets for little to no reasoning just because of the color of their skin or based on their appearance. Philando Castile, for example, was pulled over for a traffic violation when he alerted the officer he had a gun on him. The officer did not listen to what Castile was saying after that and shot Castile dead with his girlfriend in the passenger seat and her 4 year old daughter in the back seat. This is just one of many real life situations that happen almost daily in America. Philando Castiles fatal traffic stop. The bail system also plays a huge role in the unnecessary amount of people behind bars. The bail system is a way to make sure that people convicted for a crime will show up to their court hearing date. Instead of sitting in jail and waiting for your court date, you can pay the bail and be released until your court date. There are two major issues with this system. One of the issues is that obtaining a court date can take months and even years to get. Now you have a large amount of people that have been incarcerated waiting months on end in jail before they are even found guilty of the crime they are accused of committing. The other major issue is being able to afford bail. â€Å"The United States Constitution says a person is considered innocent until they are proven guilty so that means more than 450,000 innocent people are currently in jail, simply because they’re too poor not to be.†(Ideas.Ted) Mass incarceration and the bail system is costing billions of dollars a year to keep people in jail pre trial. According to a Harvard Law study proposition, â€Å"Taxpayers spend approximately $38 million a day or $14 billion a year on pretrial detention.†(Harvard Law Study). Thus, mass incarceration in our prisons and jails can be improved with a significant change in the bail system, eliminating incarceration for low level, nonviolent offenses, investing in alternative, cost efficient programs and drug treatment centers, and distinguishing between those who pose a threat to public safety and those who are ready to re-enter back into society. Revising the bail system to keep low level, nonviolent offenders out of incarceration will save both parties money and will also save the offender their freedom until they are proven guilty. Investing more time and money into drug treatment centers will save lives and will also transform a lot of people in breaking a cycle of being released and sent back to prison. And finally, differentiating people who are ready to go back into society and those are not and still pose a threat more clearly will save a lot of innocent and changed people their freedom and millions in taxpayer dollars. Work Cited Beck, Allen. â€Å"Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison.† US Department of Justice, 2016, Crutchfield, Robert D., and Gregory A. Weeks. â€Å"The Effects of Mass Incarceration on Communities of Color.† Issues in Science and Technology, 2 Nov. 2015, Initiative, Prison Policy. â€Å"Detaining the Poor: How Money Bail Perpetuates an Endless Cycle of Poverty and Jail Time.† Detaining the Poor: How Money Bail Perpetuates an Endless Cycle of Poverty and Jail Time | Prison Policy Initiative, â€Å"Bail Reform.† American Civil Liberties Union, â€Å"Bail Reform and Risk Assessment: The Cautionary Tale of Federal Sentencing.† Harvard Law Review, â€Å"Criminal Justice Facts.† The Sentencing Project, â€Å"Solutions.† American Civil Liberties Union,

Monday, October 21, 2019

Titanic Essay- the techniques used by James Cameron Essays

Titanic Essay- the techniques used by James Cameron Essays Titanic Essay- the techniques used by James Cameron Paper Titanic Essay- the techniques used by James Cameron Paper Essay Topic: Film For this film to be a success, James Cameron, the director had to modernise it. He had to include all the aspects of a hit film, along with the attraction towards a wide audience. This he achieved by incorporating the well-known story of the unsinkable ship with the new and hottest stars. In theory the older generation was intrigued to see how Cameron interpreted the story, and the younger generation wanted to see the latest actors. The directors objective was to produce a film, based on the true story that would appeal to all age groups, particularly the younger generation. So Cameron used Leonardo DiCaprio to play the role of Jack, a young American living life as it comes making his own luck. He chose Leo to play this part because he was the latest heartthrob of teenaged girls across the nations and would there fore attract a vast majority of the targeted audience, for the male population, Kate Winslet the girl next door was cast as the young, fresh and rich Rose. The combination of the two up and coming stars was a sure hit teamed with the theme of love. Strength and skills they had acquired during previous roles made the actors work well together to produce a convincing and moving relationship. However the story needed to keep the realism of the true event which took place in 1912 yet have enough action, excitement and romance to keep the target audience interested for the record three and a half hour film. The director achieved this by using many different techniques of lighting, sound effects and camera angles. By using many dramatic camera angles it is possible to involve the viewer in the scene as opposed to watching the film from a cinematic perspective. You are instantly drawn in to the scenery with the technique of panning. This is a wide shot of the scene, which slowly moves on a fixed point to allow the viewer to see the full atmosphere and action occurring around that point. Using different camera angles helps to create the affect of where the actor/ actress is. For example, to establish the background behind a character, a long shot is appropriate. This was used in such a scene as the opening view of the ship, because Cameron wanted to convey the true size of the masterpiece. However to get the most dramatic effect of action, a wide angle shot would work better because this will focus on the characters, and the mood of their surroundings. This was used when Jack is seen playing cards in the bar on the dockhands, with titanic visible through the window. Denotation and Conotation were also used to show the symbolism of the images, and what they suggest. The way in which Cameron managed to persuade the audience that they were within the scene, added emotion and realism to the production, concentrating on a particular subject at each time as not to lose the attention of the viewers. The use of romantic, slow calming music allowed the viewer to unknowingly become emotionally involved in the scenes. This, combined with the techniques used on the camera angles and the stunning computer graphics, made the whole film come together. Cameron kept an element of truth in the story by using Rose who was a real survivor from the sinking ship, but put the fire in to it by introducing a fictional character her lover, Jack. The shots and camera angles used presented a good example of denotation, conotation, wide angle and long shots. A long shot was used when Rose is in immense confusion about her life and decides to try and end it by jumping off the back of the ship one evening. The camera shot used to open this scene was a wide shot of Rose running away from the banquet at which she had been in an argument with her fianci. To show the full size of the ship Cameron used a panning wide angle shot. This is most effective because as the shot zooms in to where rose is situated on the half a mile long boat, you begin to grasp the vast size of the vessel in comparison with the tiny figure. As we follow Rose running from the middle of the ship, up and down stairs until she reaches the bow, and comes to an abrupt halt against railings, here a close up view of her is used to show how upset and out of breath she is which relates her to the audience because we understand her pain, emotionally and physically. As Rose decides what to do, we see through her perspective as she looks at the railings on the bow of the ship. Slow sad Irish music plays softly in the background, adding real empathy to her character. When Rose is hanging off the back of the ship, a close shot is again used from the perspective of Rose looking up at jacks face. This is used to show the strength and effort that Jack is putting into pulling Rose over the edge on to the safety of the decks. A similar camera angle is used from Jacks perspective, this time to show the fear and anguish in Roses face and the ferocious, churning and freezing water below her kicking legs. The traditional method of using foreground, middle ground and background to fool the viewer into believing an object is larger than it actually is, was used throughout the film along with the horizontal, wide screens and vertical shots to create atmosphere. Perhaps the most atmospheric device Cameron used was the music and sound effects, without which the film would not seem as intense, action packed or emotional. He used a wide variety of Irish and country music typical of the era in which the film is set to portray the large number of Irish passengers travelling in third class to America, to seek a better life there. Cameron wanted to show how strong this community was by convincing the audience that no matter how poor the conditions were on the third class decks, it was still possible to have fun. He did this by showing a scene in which Rose (a first class passenger) goes below decks to a third class passenger party as guest of Jack. She soon finds that there is no need for money to enjoy them self as the roar of the Irish jig and the lively atmosphere sweeps her into the mass of dancing bodies. The theme of the music is continued throughout the film but the tempo, style or rhythm is changed. Celine Dion had the hit single My heart will go on is famous for the scene in which Jack and Rose are standing on the front of the ship; Jack behind Rose holding out her arms to make her feel like she is flying. This signifying the bonding between the two lovers and their trust. The costumes also contributed towards the meaning of the film as they reflected class division in the era in which the disaster of Titanic took place. There was a pronounced division between first class and third class passengers. Therefore the difference between the main characters was very obvious Jack was third class and Rose was first class. The costumes were accurately researched for the wealthy people of that period. For example, the first class wore colourful bright and clean clothes, which were changed each day. They had such luxuries, as smart dresses, suits and maids to dress them, whereas the third class did not even own the soap to wash with and dressed in dirty drab torn clothes. The comparison between the two is very prominent when Rose joins the third class party below decks as she is in clean, clothing and the other passengers are in dark, melancholy colours. This would suggest Rose is better off than they are and perhaps brought up better, but this is proven not to be so when she joins the lads in a beer and proves she is not just an upper classed snob. James Cameron showed the differences between the classes continuously throughout the film from the opening scene of Jack and a friend gambling for their ticket on the ship compared to Rose arriving by motor car, well dressed with servants to carry every thing for her. Once on board the ship is divided in to different sections for the classes, third not allowed to enter 1st class areas. This is shown when a porter is walking a dog belonging to a first class passenger, and he takes it to the third class decks to let it go to the toilet. An Irish friend of Jacks makes the comment that it is typical that they get treated like that. Perhaps the worst comparison made between the classes is when the ship has hit the ice burg and is rapidly sinking. The lower decks are flooding and the third class passengers are locked down there to stop them from getting in the life boats before the first class passengers have got in. This is a sad prospect that humans could do that to one another. This is now open to debate by historians as to weather it really happened that way. Again Cameron used the key elements of a film angles, lighting and sound to make the sinking of the ship as realistic and horrific as possible. The viewer does not gain an idea of how huge the ship is until a long shot is used as the ship is going down. As all the life boats row away and people jump in to the water u can really see the true size of Titanic-the unsinkable ship of dreams. Cameron managed to link the lighting to the beats and thrills of the music building a climax and sense of fear and evasion. The cool lighting used in the scenes after the tragedy created a sad blue and cold atmosphere, which follows on to Rose, as an old lady, revisiting the memories. This created a stark contrast to her dream that night of revisiting the ship of dreams as a warm friendly glow is created with soft angelic lighting. The theme tune is slowed down and Rose appears, surrounded by her friends family and loved ones. A panning shot curves round the room in which she and Jack first met to reveal the smiling applauding faces. Soft lighting combined with the music symbolises happiness and purity suggesting that Rose, as an old lady fell asleep and died in her dreams that night, a happy contented woman, having returned the heart of the ocean.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

ACT Score Chart Raw Score Conversion to Scaled Score

ACT Score Chart Raw Score Conversion to Scaled Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've taken an ACT practice test, you've probably wondered how the questions you answer on each test section translate to a final score out of 36 points. What is a raw ACT score? What about a scale score? How does one score affect the other? In this article, we explain what the equating process for the ACT is and give you info on how your raw scores translate to scale scores for each section of the test. What Is a Raw ACT Score? A Scale ACT Score? First off, what do we mean by "raw ACT scores" and "scale ACT scores"? Your raw score is the total number of questions you get right in a section. This goes for English, Math, Reading, and Science (Writing, however, is scored a bit differently). For example, if you got 70 out of 75 English questions right, your raw English score would be 70. By contrast, a scale score is the final score you get for each section, on a scale of 1-36. Specifically, it's a translation of your raw score via an equating process developed by ACT, Inc. If you've taken ACT practice tests, you probably noticed that your raw scores don't always translate into the same scale scores. Through this equating process, ACT, Inc., can account for differences and ultimately ensure that scores are consistent across test dates. This means, for example, that a 30 on the April ACT will represent the same level of skill as a 30 on the June ACT will. Confused? Let's use an example. Say you took the ACT in September and your friend took a different ACT in October. Both of you got 22 out of 40 questions right on the Reading section, but your friend scored a 21 scale Reading score while you only scored a 19. What gives? Remember that the same scale scores on different ACTs indicate the same ability. Thus, this 2-point difference doesn't mean that your friend simply lucked out- it means that your friend got a harder ACT Reading section than you did. In other words, because your Reading section was easier, you would've needed to score more raw points (i.e., get more questions right) on it to get the same scale score (21) as your friend. Raw ACT Score to Scale Score Conversion Chart As you know, equating an ACT raw score to a scale score allows for comparisons between various test versions and all test takers (regardless of what month or year you took the ACT). But how can you know exactly how a raw score will convert into a scale score? The short answer is, you can't. ACT, Inc., is pretty secretive about its equating process, so there's no way to know for sure how a raw score on one ACT will translate into a scale score. What's more, since every official ACT test is equated differently, each has its own raw-score-to-scale-score conversion chart. For example, here are the conversion charts for the 2018-19 and 2017-2018 official ACT practice tests (from the "Preparing for the ACT" PDF): 2018-2019 Scale Score English Math Reading Science Scale Score 36 74-75 59-60 40 40 36 35 71-73 57-58 38-39 - 35 34 70 55-56 37 39 34 33 69 54 36 38 33 32 68 53 34-35 - 32 31 67 51-52 33 37 31 30 66 49-50 32 36 30 29 64-65 47-48 31 - 29 28 63 45-46 30 35 28 27 61-62 42-44 - 34 27 26 59-60 39-41 29 32-33 26 25 56-68 37-38 28 31 25 24 53-55 34-36 26-27 29-30 24 23 50-52 32-33 25 26-28 23 22 47-49 31 23-24 24-25 22 21 44-46 29-30 22 22-23 21 20 41-43 27-28 20-21 20-21 20 19 39-40 25-26 19 18-19 19 18 37-38 22-24 18 17 18 17 35-36 19-21 16-17 15-16 17 16 32-34 16-18 15 14 16 15 29-31 13-15 14 13 15 14 26-28 10-12 12-13 -12 14 13 24-25 8-9 10 13 12 22-23 7 10 9 12 19-21 5-6 8-9 8 10 16-18 4 7 7 10 9 13-15 - 6 6 9 8 -12 3 5 5 8 7 9-10 - - 4 7 6 7-8 2 4 3 6 5 6 - 3 - 5 4 4-5 1 2 2 4 3 3 - - 1 3 2 2 - 1 - 2 1 0-1 0 0 0 1 2018-19 Official ACT Score Chart 2017-2018 Scale Score English Math Reading Science Scale Score 36 75 60 40 40 36 35 72-74 58-59 39 39 35 34 71 57 38 38 34 33 70 55-56 37 37 33 32 68-69 54 35-36 - 32 31 67 52-53 34 36 31 30 66 50-51 33 35 30 29 65 48-49 32 34 29 28 63-64 45-47 31 33 28 27 62 43-44 30 32 27 26 60-61 40-42 29 30-31 26 25 58-59 38-39 28 28-29 25 24 56-57 36-37 27 26-27 24 23 53-55 34-35 25-26 24-25 23 22 51-52 32-33 24 22-23 22 21 48-50 30-31 22-23 21 21 20 45-47 29 21 19-20 20 19 43-44 27-28 19-20 17-18 19 18 41-42 24-26 18 16 18 17 39-40 21-23 17 14-15 17 16 36-38 17-20 15-16 13 16 15 32-35 13-16 14 12 15 14 29-31 -12 12-13 14 13 27-28 8-10 10 13 12 25-26 7 9-10 9 12 23-24 5-6 8 8 10 20-22 4 6-7 7 10 9 18-19 - - 5-6 9 8 15-17 3 5 - 8 7 12-14 - 4 4 7 6 10- 2 3 3 6 5 8-9 - - 2 5 4 6-7 1 2 - 4 3 4-5 - - 1 3 2 2-3 - 1 - 2 1 0-1 0 0 0 1 2017-18 Official ACT Score Chart You can see here that raw ACT scores from different tests don't always convert into the same scale scores. As a result, there's no one-size-fits-all chart you can use to predict score conversions. ACTs are like shoes: one size doesn't fit all of them! That said, if you want to estimate a raw-score-to-scale-score conversion, you can use any available conversion chart from an official ACT practice test. While it won't be 100 percent accurate, it can give you a good understanding of where you need improvement. Another (better) option is to use the chart below. This chart shows how raw ACT scores generally translate into scale scores on any ACT. We calculated these raw scores (and score ranges) by taking the averages of the raw scores for each scale score on all six official ACT score charts. Once again, while this chart won't give you a perfectly accurate conversion (the most accurate ACT score chart will be the one for your specific test), it's as close as we can get to a "one-size-fits-all" ACT score conversion chart. Scale Score English Math Reading Science Scale Score 36 75 60 40 40 36 35 73-74 58-59 39 39 35 34 71-72 57 37-38 - 34 33 70 55-56 36 37-38 33 32 69 54 - - 32 31 68 52-53 35 - 31 30 67 51 34 36 30 29 65-66 49-50 33 35 29 28 64 47-48 31-32 34 28 27 62-63 44-46 30 33 27 26 60-61 41-43 29 31-32 26 25 58-59 39-40 28 29-30 25 24 55-57 37-38 27 28 24 23 53-54 35-36 25-26 26-27 23 22 51-52 33-34 24 24-25 22 21 48-50 31-32 23 22-23 21 20 45-47 29-30 21-22 20-21 20 19 42-44 28.000 20 18-19 19 18 40-41 25-27 19 17 18 17 38-39 21-24 18 15-16 17 16 35-37 18-20 16-17 14 16 15 32-34 14-17 15 13 15 14 29-31 -13 13-14 -12 14 13 27-28 9-10 12 10 13 12 25-26 7-8 10- 9 12 24 6 8-9 8 10 20-23 5 7 7 10 9 18-19 4 6 6 9 8 15-17 3 5 5 8 7 12-14 - 4 4 7 6 10- 2 - 3 6 5 8-9 - 3 2 5 4 6-7 1 2 - 4 3 4-5 - - 1 3 2 2-3 - 1 - 2 1 0-1 0 0 0 1 As you can see, your raw ACT scores don't tell you much about how your scores compare with those of other test takers. Since each ACT differs in content and difficulty, you'll need your test's conversion chart in order to get accurate scale scores and be able to compare your scores with other students'. Scale scores, on the other hand, reflect how well you did in relation to other test takers who took any variation of the ACT. So if a test is relatively easy and more people did better on it than usual, higher raw scores will be needed to get certain scale scores. By contrast, if a test is especially difficult, slightly lower raw scores will net you those same scale scores. If you took the ACT with Writing, note that your ACT Writing score is not part of your composite score out of 36. While colleges generally look closest at your composite score, a high essay score can definitely raise your chances of admission, so be sure to do your best on it! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Tired of wasting time prepping in ways that don't work? We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. It's the best prep program available right now. Best of all, we guarantee your money back if you don't improve your score by 4 points or more. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Improve Your ACT Score by 4+ Points, Guaranteed How to Calculate Your Scale ACT Score: 4 Easy Steps Now that you've seen how official ACT score charts work, how can you use them to estimate your own scale scores based on your raw scores from an ACT practice test? Follow the four simple steps below to get started. Step 1: Find the ACT Score Chart for Your Test If you've taken an official ACT practice test, your score chart will come near the end of the test PDF. For example, if you took the newest 2017-18 ACT test, you'll use the score chart that comes at the end of this test (pictured above). Don't use a chart from a different practice test. Each test is equated differently, so you'll get the most accurate scale score when you use the chart for your specific test. What if you took an unofficial ACT practice test, though? In this case, it's best to use the average ACT score chart given above. While this won't be 100 percent accurate, it'll give you the closest idea you can get as to how your raw scores will likely translate into scale scores. Step 2: Calculate Your Raw Score for Each Section Now that you've got a score chart, it's time to calculate your raw scores for each section. To do this, simply use your test's answer key to add up all the correct answers you got on each ACT section. For example, if you answered 60 out of 75 English questions correctly, your raw English score would be 60. I recommend writing down your raw scores on a piece of paper so you don't forget them. Step 3: Convert Your Raw Section Scores to Scale Scores Now, it's time to use your raw scores and score chart to find your ACT scale scores. Using a chart is simple: all you do is locate your raw score for each section and then look across to see which scale score it corresponds to. For example, if you took the 2017-18 practice test and got a raw English score of 60, your scale English score would come out to 26: Do this for every raw section score until you have four scale scores (each out of 36). Step 4: Figure Out Your Composite Scale Score Once you have your four scale scores (one each for English, Math, Reading, and Science), you can calculate your scale composite score, which uses a scale of 1-36 and is equivalent to the average of the four section (scale) scores. For example, let's say these were the scale scores I got on my practice ACT: English: 26 Math: 30 Reading: 28 Science: 27 To get a composite score, all I need to do is add up the four section scores and then divide their sum by four. In our example, this would look like this: 26 + 30 + 28 + 27 = 1. Now, I just need to divide this sum by 4: 1 / 4 = 27.75. If you get a decimal as I did, you'll need to round your score to the nearest whole number. Here, 27.75 would round up to give me a final composite ACT score of 28. Nearly every college and university in the United States accepts both SAT and ACT scores. However, for some of these schools, there is a significant difference between the level of SAT scores and the level of ACT scores of admitted students. What schools accept students with comparatively lower SAT scores, and what schools accept students with comparatively lower ACT scores? We've gathered our proprietary research on this topic and analysis of what these score differences mean for your testing and application strategies into a comprehensive guide. Final Words: The Importance of Raw and Scale ACT Scores There are two types of scores on the ACT: raw and scale scores. Raw scores are equal to the number of questions you answer correctly, whereas scale scores are final scaled versions of raw scores. How raw scores translate into scale scores can vary depending on the ACT or ACT practice test you take. ACT, Inc., uses this equating process so that the difficulty of different ACTs doesn't affect test takers' final scores. This process also allows scores to be compared across all test dates (in other words, a 30 will always represent the same skill level, regardless of when you take the ACT). To convert your raw ACT scores to scale scores, you'll need to find the score chart for your specific test. All official ACT practice tests have their own individual score charts (remember, these charts, and thus their raw-score-to-scale-score conversions, will differ with each test!). If you don't have a chart for your practice test, you can instead use the average conversions in our chart above. This won't give you perfect conversions, but they should be close enough to give you a rough idea of what your scale scores are. Calculating your scale scores is a super helpful tool for test prep- you'll not only see where you're currently scoring, but also how much you need to improve by in order to hit your ACT goal score! What’s Next? Got more questions about ACT scoring? Check out our articles on how the ACT is scored and ACT score percentiles to learn what the current trends are and how you can use this info to your advantage. Not sure what ACT score to aim for? Then definitely take a look at our in-depth guide to good and bad ACT scores to get tips on how to find your goal score. And if you're aiming for a perfect 36, read our expert guide written by a real full scorer! Need help interpreting your ACT results? We've got you covered! With our guide, you'll learn how to read your ACT score report as well as how to address your biggest content weaknesses. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Safeguarding Vulnerable Elderly from Physical Abuse Essay

Safeguarding Vulnerable Elderly from Physical Abuse - Essay Example The elderly old are prone to physical abuse and physical neglect. Physical abuse is defined as any act of violence that may lead to injury, pain, disease or impairment. This kind of abuse may take the form of: pushing, pinching, slapping, force feeding, improper administration of medication, incorrect positioning, etc. Signs of physical abuse may include rope marks, lacerations, bruises, fracture and burns. Physical neglect, on the other hand, is typified by a failure by the caregiver to prevent harm or provide desired living condition for an elderly old. This form of abuse encompasses acts such as failure to provide physical aids e.g. hearing aids and eye glasses, and denying health maintenance care to an elderly person (White, 2000).Reasons why the elderly are vulnerable  Vulnerable elderly old may faces abuse from their relatives, family members or paid care givers. The reasons for their vulnerability are quite varied. Physical abuse of elderly people can happen once or may happ en repeatedly. Sudden outburst by the elderly person might lead the care giver to slap the elderly, an act that is considered abusive. Sometimes the care giver might not know how to handle or support an elderly person. This lack of proper training can lead to injuries (Acierno et al, 2010). Most elderly old are slow in conversation and movement. This may frustrate the care giver resulting in rough handling and annoyance. Hot temper from the care giver might result Family members may find it cumbersome and stressful to care.... Physical abuse is defined as any act of violence that may lead to injury, pain, disease or impairment. This kind of abuse may take the form of: pushing, pinching, slapping, force feeding, improper administration of medication, incorrect positioning, etc. Signs of physical abuse may include rope marks, lacerations, bruises, fracture and burns. Physical neglect, on the other hand, is typified by a failure by the caregiver to prevent harm or provide desired living condition for an elderly old. This form of abuse encompasses acts such as failure to provide physical aids e.g. hearing aids and eye glasses, and denying health maintenance care to an elderly person (White, 2000). Reasons why the elderly are vulnerable Vulnerable elderly old may faces abuse from their relatives, family members or paid care givers. The reasons for their vulnerability are quite varied. Physical abuse of elderly people can happen once or may happen repeatedly. Sudden outburst by the elderly person might lead the care giver to slap the elderly, an act that is considered abusive. Sometimes the care giver might not know how to handle or support an elderly person. This lack of proper training can lead to injuries (Acierno et al, 2010). Most elderly old are slow in conversation and movement. This may frustrate the care giver resulting in rough handling and annoyance. Hot temper from the care giver might result into actual physical harm on the elderly person. In a family setup, abuse may occur due to long-standing hostilities between the elderly person and the family members. Family members may find it cumbersome and stressful to care for the elderly relative. Some of these families may leave the elderly person unattended to, exposing him to suffering. Abuse of the elderly old can also take place in a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Manegment theory and practice case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Manegment theory and practice case study - Essay Example In 1999 Nissan was the third largest car manufacturing company in Japan and around the world. However in comparison to 1996, when Nissan had last made a profit its production was down, its market share was slipping, it losses mounting and utilization of production capacity was poor. There was an urgent need to find a suitable alliance partner, willing to invest in the company, if Nissan were to survive (p. 3). Renault on the other hand in 1999 had become lean through restructuring and downsizing was in a position to make strategic investments to further its future business activities. Renault mainly operated in Western Europe, from where it derived 85% of its revenue. Renault had limited activities in the important geographical regions of Asia, North America, and Eastern Europe. (p. 4). Investing in Nissan was attractive to Renault, as it provided Renault access to the important markets of Asia and North America due to Nissan’s active presence in these markets. However, there were major issues in the form of the organizational culture variances, diversity in the workforces of the two companies and management practices that would pose major problems in the smooth merger of these two car manufacturers and the changes that would have to be brought about in the corporate culture and management practices at Nissan (p. 5-6). After long drawn negotiations the alliance between Renault and Nissan came into being in 1999, with Renault acquiring 36.8% stake in Nissan. Carlos Ghosn from Renault was appointed as Chief Executive of Nissan and given the responsibility of leading through the restructuring and developing of Nissan focusing on the objectives of the Nissan Revival Plan (NRP) actual profitability by 2000, an operating profit greater than 4.5%, and reducing debt by 50% at the end of the fiscal year 2002 (p.7). The rest of the story is the manner in which Carlos Ghosn through inspired leadership achieved the seemingly impossible

Unilever Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Unilever Company - Essay Example The current nonexecutive director of the dual companies is Michael Treschow while the chief executive of the company is Paul Polman. The company has a sizeable slice in London stock exchange and has a rank of the eighteenth position in the stock exchange as at the close of 2011 (Murphy 2009). Back ground information Unilever Company began its operations at the start of 1930. The pioneers include Samuel Bergh, Antonius Johannes Jurgen and William Lever. This was through the amalgamation of two businesses, where the British soap makers who were the Level brothers came together with the Dutch margarine producer who was Margarine Unie in 1927. The amalgamation of the two companies was strategic in terms of the commercial benefit it would provide. This is basing on the fact that, for the production of margarine and soaps, there would be a requirement of palm oil thus the importation of palm oil, which was a key raw material, would be fast and in large quantities. This would help reduce th e number of times the product would require transportation as well as reduce the custom taxes due to importation. The palm oil in use by the companies was from Belgian Congo, where they had procurement of seven fifty thousand hectares of the forest land from where there was the extraction of palm oil. This was by labourers whose working conditions were poor as well as the labourers getting low pay. At the beginning of 1930, the Unilever business empire went global opening branches in Latin America and Africa where the initial business had taken root. During the year, there was acquiring of restraints so as to increase the company’s operations, soon after acquiring the shares, there was the sale of shares by the management so as to make an expansion in the operations of the business. By then the company was making edible fats and soaps leading to much income by the business. The purchasing of the Chesebrough-pond’s company, there was strengthening of Unilever Company. T he expansion of the Company was due to purchasing of Calvin Klein Company that was in the making of Cosmetics as well as the Farbege and Elizabeth Arden companies. The expansion has led to making of a headquarters for all its operation worldwide which is in London. The name rises up fully in the 1990s, and getting a complete charter and becoming the Unilever Company (Wilson 2009). Issues in staffing and training and development The company has the right staffing solution. To get a preview on this, there is consideration of the various issues that the company has put into place including; compliance where the employees sign contracts that show there compliance in working towards a common goal for the well being of the business. Compliance is essential for the development of the organisation in that the employees know what the management requires thus works hard to comply with the standards of the company set by the management. Another issue is retention where the company retains the working conditions of the company, by ensuring that the employees work in an able environment thus they do not have to move to other fields. Retention of their initial name and logo has come ensures that the company

Thursday, October 17, 2019

K Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

K - Assignment Example Also when certain operations are not running well, I point out the problem, act with speed and resolve the issue. Wrong information leads to great and unexpected losses. They must be dealt with as fast as possible and great conscious to avoid further misleading information. For an organization to run smoothly and efficiently, rules and regulations must be totally adhered to. For this reason, I fearlessly make sure that all the organizations rules and regulations are well set, well known to all and also followed to the letter by all the employees within the organization. This can be simpler during recruiting and hiring new staff where they will sign the rules they will apprehend with before they are hired. Also strict penalties to those who fail to abide. Different problems arise in different occasions as well as from different personnel’s. As a result, once a problem is reported to me, I’ll identify the cause of the problem by listening to the grievances from both parties and together we come up with a long lasting solution. Different problems call for different solutions and a lot of attention will be a necessity to avoid future recurrences. It is always my great pleasure and passion to work and properly relate with different personnel’s from different cultures, tribe, and country. This has given me a chance to learn more about other cultures and learn new things. This brings along different ideas that can also bring around accepted changes and growth to the company. Proper interaction with people of different race, culture and country will help them feel accepted, motivated and recognized. Whenever I receive any kind of information from any employee of my organization, I listen and handle the information carefully. I secretly investigate and analyze the information which leads me to better conclusions that will always favour the organization and all its employees and still maintain the informer

Benefit administration method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Benefit administration method - Essay Example Some of these issues could include, the data collection techniques, the purpose and scope of carrying out the research study as well as the type of research being carried out. In fact, according to Neuman, the dimensions considered by researchers will dictate the type of research study (2003). To elaborate, when time is the purpose of study, then the scope of the study will be either longitudinal or cross-sectional. On the other hand, the scope of the study will either be descriptive, exploratory, or explanatory if dimension is the scope of the study. Equally important, in times whereby dimension of study is the quantitative data collection technique, then the researchers will perform surveys, study existing statistics, carry out experiments as well as examine content analysis to ensure data validity. As such, quantitative measurement is generally a deductive process which involves constructing an idea or a concept then coming up with a measure that will enable the researcher to obtain empirical data. It is thus worth noting that quantitative management process starts with a conception and concludes with definite, concrete indicators. It is these definite, concrete indicators that researchers use to attain numerical data that is used for analysis. Therefore, the concept of quantitative research in general encompasses factors such as measurement, design, and sampling. This is due to the fact that quantitative research is established on a deductive methodology that places an emphasis on a comprehensive planning before carrying out data collection or data analysis. To repeat, in undertaking this research, we aim at not only understanding the concept of benefit administration, but how it influences the overall employee satisfaction in an organization. As such, we decided to gather information regarding benefit administration through conducting a survey. In addition to the survey, we carried out a number of structured and unstructured interviews that would

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why I Want to Teach Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why I Want to Teach - Speech or Presentation Example The eventualities of the experiences have made some of us to either abhor or cherish the learning part of our lives. Regardless of the experience one may have had, this piece of writing is a speech outlining the reasons why I want to be a teacher. "Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty." Albert Einstein My choice to settle on teaching as a profession was not a matter of spontaneous decision. Instead, it was a factor of a couple of years of reflection regarding the career I would like to pursue in life. I have settled on a career in education because I firmly believe that it stands out as one of the integral duties carried out in our society. I am convicted that teachers, both as an individual and collectively, have the ability to transform the world and shape it to the desirable destiny. In this profession of teaching, I remain hopeful that I will not only find an occupation and a source of living, but also I will derive p ersonal fulfillment and rejuvenation from it. I want to be part and parcel of the great pool of resourceful teachers who will one day be counted as those adhered to the true calling of teaching profession. In the words of Albert Einstein, I desire to teach such that what I offer to the students is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. ... Furthermore, these teachers had a great mastery of communication skills and were well versed with the subject matter content. This is the exact type of teachers I desire to emulate. Nonetheless, being an open minded individual, I believe that my teaching technique would equally be anchored on a wide range of factors including my values and experiences. I want to ensure that my students learn in an environment that is secure and comfortable so that their level of steel esteem is enhanced. My experience as a student has served as an eye opener that great minds end up being unexploited to the optimum simply because the learning environment was not insecure or not conducive. Unwavering self-esteem would certainly give the student the confidence to strive and reach out for the goals they set for themselves. As a teacher, I will play an integral role in the provision of this environment to all students. I am also excited that I will have the privilege of shaping the lives of future parents and great members of the society. Often times, I find myself in a reverie imagining the pride that the teachers who taught President Obama felt when he was eventually inaugurated as the president of United States of America. I think of that and I cannot wait to start teaching. Who knows that an Obama or Hillary Clinton might be one of my students?! Many people find it hard to comprehend my unyielding passion to teaching profession. As others look at me in utter amazement, some people have chosen to level all sorts of criticisms at my â€Å"misdirected† ambition. They assert that teachers are the most lot of professionals no wonders they are ever complaining of exploitation. I do not blame them for this or neither do I hit

Benefit administration method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Benefit administration method - Essay Example Some of these issues could include, the data collection techniques, the purpose and scope of carrying out the research study as well as the type of research being carried out. In fact, according to Neuman, the dimensions considered by researchers will dictate the type of research study (2003). To elaborate, when time is the purpose of study, then the scope of the study will be either longitudinal or cross-sectional. On the other hand, the scope of the study will either be descriptive, exploratory, or explanatory if dimension is the scope of the study. Equally important, in times whereby dimension of study is the quantitative data collection technique, then the researchers will perform surveys, study existing statistics, carry out experiments as well as examine content analysis to ensure data validity. As such, quantitative measurement is generally a deductive process which involves constructing an idea or a concept then coming up with a measure that will enable the researcher to obtain empirical data. It is thus worth noting that quantitative management process starts with a conception and concludes with definite, concrete indicators. It is these definite, concrete indicators that researchers use to attain numerical data that is used for analysis. Therefore, the concept of quantitative research in general encompasses factors such as measurement, design, and sampling. This is due to the fact that quantitative research is established on a deductive methodology that places an emphasis on a comprehensive planning before carrying out data collection or data analysis. To repeat, in undertaking this research, we aim at not only understanding the concept of benefit administration, but how it influences the overall employee satisfaction in an organization. As such, we decided to gather information regarding benefit administration through conducting a survey. In addition to the survey, we carried out a number of structured and unstructured interviews that would

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Football definition Essay Example for Free

Football definition Essay Football is a sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms. Football is a sport with the objective to gain possession of a ball and advance it in running or passing plays across the opponents goal line or kick it through the air between the opponents goalposts. Football is played on a 360 by 160 yard rectangle defined as a field. The players of football are another trait being that each game played consist of 11 players, there is always an offense, a defense, and special teams. In football the uniforms worn consist of tight jerseys so opposing team members can easily be taken down, padded football pants for protective leg covering, high socks to protect their skin from cleats which are shoes with long spikes for the grass fields, and a helmet to protect the head. The equipment used is an oval shaped football. Football is a sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms. Andrea Dixon Eng. 090-03 May 31, 2012 Instructor Case Definition Paragraph Football I. Topic a. A sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms. II. Body a. sport i.the object being to gain possession of a ball and advance it in running or passing plays across the opponents goal line or kick it through the air between the opponents goalposts b. field i. played on a field 360 by 160 ii. A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular c. Players i. A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular field ii. the offense iii. Defense iv. Special teams d. Uniforms i. Jerseys ii. Padded Football Pants iii. Socks and Shoes iv. helmet v. gloves e. Equipment i. Oval shaped ball III. Conclusion a. A sport defined by its field, equipment, players, and uniforms.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The medical coding

The medical coding The Performance of Medical Coding What responsibilities are required in Medical Coding? How is Medical Coding beneficial in the healthcare industry? Herzing University (2009) says, â€Å"Medical Coding is the act of billing patients and health insurances for the medical checkup they received.† Medical Coding is one of the most valuable careers in the Healthcare industry. However, this profession requires important guidelines, such as assigning proper health-related codes, understanding coding language, and meeting the terms of the compliance rule. Moreover, as a productive benefit in this line of work, many employers allow medical coders to enter codes from home. The first rule that applies to Medical Coding is the importance of code assignments. After a patient is seen by a physician in an office or hospital room, the medical coders job is to assign the appropriate health diagnosis code on the claim form. The claim form is to be submitted to the patients insurance company for reimbursement purposes; claims are submitted to insurance companies so that doctors will be paid for the services rendered in the office as well. Upon submitting the claim form(s), it is important for the medical coder to assign the correct code(s) to ensure a timely payment process. If the code(s) are incorrect, this will cause the claim to be denied and payment will not be released until the issue is corrected. Herzing University (2009) comments that â€Å"Every medical diagnosis or procedure that is done in a medical office should have a health-related code assigned to it. The medical coder is accountable for assigning the correct code for each procedure that is per formed on a patient.† In addition, AHIMA (2009) predicts that â€Å"the excellence of medical services depend on if a medical coder assigns codes accurately and in a timely fashion.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  In Medical Coding, the first and foremost responsibility is to make certain that the payment reviews and funds flow effectively. Scichilone (2008) also points out that â€Å"the timely completion of assigned codes depends on the accuracy of the coding process.† Therefore, assigning proper codes for medical procedures are essential because it will guarantee timely payment to medical providers and their patients. Another rule that applies to Medical Coding is the understanding of coding language. Where does the resource of coding come from? Who maintains the health-related coding system? The American Health Information Management Association (2009) clarifies that â€Å"the resources for the health-related coding are maintained by a particular group of organizations. These groups are responsible for the updates and or changes for the coding process. The National Center for Health Services, is in charge of the ICD-9-CM codes, whereas, The American Medical Association is responsible for the CPT codes.† What is the coding language and why is it used in Medical Coding? In Medical Coding, an ICD-9-CM code is entered on a claim to code a patient†s diagnosis received from the physician. In addition, there may be more than one diagnostic code on a claim form. A CPT code is entered on a claim to code a procedure that was performed on the patient(s). There may be more that one procedure cod e entered on the claim form as well. For simplicity principle, the codes assigned convey what types of service(s) were provided and why the procedure was done. Rogoski (2004) adds that â€Å"[t]here are two major coding [organizations that are responsible for the coding language],..: the ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure codes that are maintained by the federal government, and the CPT procedure codes that are maintained by the American Medical Association.† For verification purposes, American Medical Association (2009) define the definition of the diagnosis code ICD-9-CM is â€Å"The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification,† while (CDC, 2009) notes that the CPT procedure code means â€Å"Current Procedural Terminology.† The most important rule that applies to Medical Coding is the consistency of data entries. Being that coding information is updated on a quarterly and yearly basis by the health care organizations, it is important for the medical coder to enter the updated or revised codes accordingly. Entering the correct diagnosis and procedure code(s) is essential because the code(s) determine how and why reimbursement or payment is requested. During the coding process, it is imperative for the coder to obtain the up-to-date information on medical services covered by the patients insurance company to avoid questionable outcomes. In other words, the services that are covered under a carrier should match what is documented in the compliance guidelines and if the coding or documentation is not consistent with the specific guidelines, this can develop into an investigation and claim rejections. AHIMA (2009) contends that, â€Å"Entering the appropriate data according to the compliance rule is very im portant in the coding process. Whether the codes are entered correctly or not, it will in one way or another, affect both the quality of the statistics and the fulfillment to the regulations.† For that reason, to stay current with the array of coding rules, the Medical Coder should always consult with the healthcare guidelines upon entering the code(s) on a claim form ensure the quality of medical information. Furthermore, to ensure data consistency according to the compliance rule, meticulous medical coding software has been utilized to assist the medical coders during the coding process. â€Å"Computer-Assistance Coding† is how (Scichilone, 2009) describes the software. Even though coding can be complicated especially when trying to remember and stay up to date with guidelines, the use of medical coding software will promote thorough and affirmative results. Scichilone (2009) explains that â€Å"[t]hose little numbers or alpha-numeric [series] are one of the reasons the compliance [organization] exists.† The coding process is to note what type of medical service was provided and the reason for the office visit. To acquire efficiency, new software has been executed to help providers concerning data consistency guidelines. Medical coders can use this specific computer software to produce organized health codes for evaluation.† Not only does this medical coding software assist in positive reviews from the compliance group, it encourages moral standards as well. As an added guideline precaution, healthcare providers are should distribute the compliance rule list within its facilities to ensure proper and precise coding. The list should include a detailed medical coding policy that must be adhered by accordingly. One author (Stegman, 2009) notes that â€Å"[f]or many clinical areas with commonly provided services, very specific coding and billing guidelines exist to assist the provider in reporting accurate and honest claims Ideally, the provider should have a coding compliance policy document withthe following [factors]† Instructions on how to assign codes for new medical procedures; Instructions on how to correct inaccurate codes that were previously assigned; Code of conduct requirements linked to the Healthcare service provided, Annual or semi-annual training in Healthcare compliance guiding principles, Disciplinary steps taken if failure to comply with the guidelines occur, and Helpful contact phone number to seek out additional or unclear information.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Medical Coding position, these issues should provide helpful healthcare solutions when it comes to assigning medical codes for claim submission. By following these procedures, this will develop data quality within the healthcare environment because of the consistency assignment entries. Stegman (2008) agrees with these methods by saying that â€Å"coding experts are likely to sustain the importance of accurate and consistent coding traditions to deliver quality health care Medical coders should continue to improve their coding skills to stay current with the coding regulations The Medical Coder must maintain and follow the coding guidelines to avoid improper results with insurance companies and patients. If these compliance guidelines are not available by the provider, the medical coder(s) may have a difficult time assigning consistent codes. Stegman (2008) points out that â€Å"[w]hen coding challenges arise, and unresolved documentation inconsistencies are present, the selection of the most accurate and compliant codes may be more difficult, particularly if the codingstaff are not aware of the [moral coding standards].† If the preceding coding process for Medical Coding is carried out appropriately according to the compliance guidelines, this will ensure data excellence. Finally, while Medical Coding maintains specific guidelines to ensure effective results in the healthcare industry, many people are pursuing this type of work to take advantage of the flexible productive benefits. Many employers are allowing Medical Coding to be managed from home. To ensure that a Medical Coder generates efficient productivity from home, the â€Å"Computer-Assistance Coding† medical software that (Scichilone, 2009) described earlier, would be a very beneficial technology tool in the healthcare industry. Many health providers are providing its medical coders to work from home; working flexible hours and increase productivity are a couple of reasons why working from home is available. Flexible productivity (2004) states that â€Å"many healthcare corporations are engrossed with the productive benefits of flexibility working from home. By minimizing the demand of office space and reducing commuting time, the medical coder will gain flexible productive time and p ossibly get to manage their work-life obligations.† While the Medical Coder manages the medical software that was provided by their employer, on their home computer, the programmed software will generate assignment codes that are consistent with the compliance regulations. Scichilone (2009) says that the coding software will â€Å"increase productivity in code assignment [, provide] consistent application of reporting rules and guidelines [,] and monitor[the] evaluation features for coding accuracy reviews.† Consequently, utilizing the coding software will provide added advantages in Medical Coding. In conclusion, since Medical Coding requires specific guidelines for the healthcare industry to follow, it is imperative to abide by the compliance rules to avoid poor data standards. By entering accurate and thorough health-related data into the medical database, and obtaining a clear understanding of coding language and their resources, this cause of action will help the flow of the reimbursement process run effectively; as an added advantage, Medical Coding can be accomplished in the comfort of the medical coders home by way of compliance-ready medical software. References AHIMA About Medical Coding Medical Records: (2009). Coding. Retrieved November 26, 2009 from AHIMA Medical Coding Guidelines:Data Quality and Compliance (2009). . Retrieved December 9 2009 from AHIMA Medical Coding Resources (2009). Coding Resources. Retrieved December 7, 2009 from AMA CPT Code Information and Education (2009). American medical association. Retrieved November 28, 2009 from CDC ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (2009). Centers for disease control and prevention. Retrieved November 26, 2009 from Flexible productivity.(2004). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,53(5/6),476-477. Retrieved November 30, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:695572871). Medical Billing and Insurance Coding Overview (2009). Herzing university online. Retrieved November 23, 2009 from Richard R Rogoski. (2004,September). If Youre Not Coding, Youre Not Billing.Health Management Technology,25(9),14, 16, 18. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID:687678731). Scichilone,R.(2009,July). Are We There Yet? Compliance-Ready Computer-Assisted Coding.Journal of Health Care Compliance,11(4),55-56,69-70. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:1822883141). Scichilone,R.(2008,July). Enhanced Compliance Results by Improving the Code Assignment Process.Journal of Health Care Compliance,10(4),61-64. Retrieved December 5, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:1670291831). Stegman,M..(2009,September). Managing Billing Interpretations in a Compliance Environment.Journal of Health Care Compliance,11(5),65-66,77-78. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:1882772921).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Winning one for ourselves :: essays research papers

Winning One for Ourselves   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just like the several years before, soccer season started on an early July day during what seemed to be the hottest time of the day. Only something was different this year, the moral was a little low, and everyone noticed it. The previous season, the supposed golden team that the coach had put so much faith into, had failed; losing in the first round of sectional play. The low moral was most evident in the coaching staff, especially in the head coach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Head coach Larry Sahm was particularly distraught. He has never coached a High School team that went on to win sectionals and he truly believed that the last season would be his year. As the practices went on, it became more and more obvious that he really didn’t expect much from his team this year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The practices dragged on through the dead heat of the summer. The team worked hard, eventhough we were well aware that not even their own coach had faith in them. This lack of faith sucked every bit of fun out of that practices that always seemed to be there in the years before. The players were losing confidence in themselves and each other. The tension within the team was thick. Everyone was becoming frustrated and no one wanted to be there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then to add to the dismay of the team, Coach Sahm called a small meeting with all the seniors shortly before the first game. â€Å"Everyone knows that you guys are nowhere near as good as the team we had last year,† said Sahm, â€Å"but you all can do me a favor and help prepare the younger kids for next year.† This made the situation much worse. Not only did our coach have no faith in us, but he also thought that we were only good for giving his younger players experience so he can have a successful season next year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the attitude we had, I was not surpised that we had a very dismal regular season. To say we had a losing season doesn’t even do it justice. We were simply horrible. Everything we tried to do went wrong, and the worst part was that nobody cared. No one expected much out of us, so when they didn’t get anything they weren’t surprised.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We just weren’t the team we were last year. All of our hopes and dreams had left with the graduating seniors of last year.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Career as a Public Health Specialist Essay -- Occupational Issues

There is no doubt with the advances in technology that, as a population, we are continuing to live longer; yet with the cost of medical care constantly on the raise, is it any wonder an industry would develop out of the concept of â€Å"preventative† maintenance? We are after all, all too aware of this concept; from large corporations who strive to maintain their expensive equipment in an attempt to secure the bottom line, to the local neighbor who would rather afford the costs of preventative maintenance over the expense of replacing a broken down vehicle. To that effect, automobile manufacturers have even begun to include major necessary â€Å"preventative maintenance† items in their â€Å"owner’s manuals.† For instance, I have to replace my timing belt and water pump every 75k miles in my Nissan. Interestingly enough, while we were focused on maintaining everything else around us, somehow we forgot to consider our most valuable complex asset, our bo dies. How is it that the maintenance of a human health and its performance somehow got left over looked and left to fall through the cracks? The need for public health specialists†¦ Until till recent years the thought of humans not only living well in to their 80’s and 90’s, but living vibrant lives was concept that did not appear to go hand-n-hand. However, today the thought is not only real but, the concept and relevance of â€Å"quality of life,† both before and well into the twilight years, is more important than ever before thus making the demand for, and need, of educators and health advocacy even greater. So, what is public health†¦? The concept of public health is not a foreign one; it ultimately emerged from the practice of heroic medicine. Yet today it has evolved into something ... ... us, knowingly or unknowingly, at greater risk that can and possibly will lead us to a dark place. If this trend is allowed to continue or, perhaps revelation through education suffices and people start making their health a priority, one thing is for sure, either way, the future of the public health professional is not only bright but it will only continue to get brighter. Sources: 1.; Title: What is Public Health 2. ; Title: Public Health Career Specialty Areas; Sub-Specialties of Public Health 3.; Title: What is Public Health? – Frequently Asked Questions 4. 5.; Title: What is Public Health? – Impact of Public Health