Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Computers and Sociology

In Liberal Arts Computers and Sociology Sociologists study societies and social behavioral patterns through an analysis of social, political, religious and economic groups. Sociologist study society combining both theoretical and practical methods. com/sociology-exam-3-chapters-6-8/">Sociology Is based around four major components: social, cultural, physical, and demographic. How Individuals form social groups and the means of how they develop Is an Intricate determinant for a sociologist's conclusions. Sociologists specialize in various areas including family dynamics, race and ethnicity, war and revolution, gender roles, socioeconomics and much more.Sociologists are geared to be curious and observant. Always concerned with observing, analyzing, defining, testing, and explaining human behavior. There is no area of modern life where a sociological perspective is of no value. From marketing to business to criminology to medlclne to government, the research provided by sociologist impr oves sales, increases production, shape social policies, resolve socials injustice and promotes political platforms. Statistics and computers are a key component to the work of a sociologist.Strong analytical skills, data gathering, survey methods and computer techniques are the foundation of ociology. In todays age of computer expansion Is neither person nor thing left unaffected by computers. Computers are using in almost every field of work and aspect of life. Since the 1980's after computers were mainly using for warfare assistance, computers are used on a daily basis. Whether it is at home, school, or the workplace computers and the technology, which it brought about, is commonly used all over the world.The affect computers have had on society has been immeasurable, with many advantages and few disadvantages. In the past the only way for long distance communication was through he letter system. Now we still use the letter system but the speed of the Internet Is nowhere near rea sonable comparison. Like society, communication has been much more efficient and resourceful. Information gathering is now a simple task. Whereas before a person would have to do strenuous searching through books and archives, now information about basically anything can be found at the click of a button.Business has also profited greatly by the innovation of computers. The technical efficiency of computers has structured a new business market that has benefited corporate leaders all the way down to consumers. The standard education and the standard of living have increased. Task such as shopping, booking tickets for shows or airlines, checking bank accounts, etc can all done online. Life is now structured around convince. Criminal records now are also found online, no information is left unavailable. Nowadays basic requirements for most Jobs are knowledge of computers and how use various types of software.Computers are apart of everyone's lives whether they desire It or not. Societ y Is made to De Torever evolving ana people, Duslness, polltlcs, even rellglon nave ana will ontinue to adapt to this convenient and efficient lifestyle. Computers and technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. The need for constant communication and information is evident. Technology comes in an abundant amount of forms from the desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone and so much more. Society has made every person and thing is made accessible.This massive technological boom is affecting every culture. It is drastically changing the ways in which people live their lives. People are easily connected by state-to-state country-to-country and so on. Ideas and information are spread faster and further han ever before. In the end the advancements in communication technology has ultimately brought cultures closer all over the world. For many people in the workforce computers have had an overwhelming effect because of the drastic changes brought upon them; including changes to their work routine and structure.Employees today are in the middle of an information revolution. There is a complete change in the way work is done. Meaning past required skills are archaic and new evolved technological skills are required. For many these changes must bring about fear and resistance. The effect of the Internet on work has also had a great influence on society. Starling weighed in on the issues stating that, â€Å"They generally point to a redistribution of work (and the money that comes with it) out of established centers, such as Western cities, and into more remote areas.Teleworkers can operate in deep countryside, beyond the range of commuters. International data centers can be placed in any country with a passable education system. The ‘net' effect is probably a good one, redistributing wealth out of concentrated hotspots in cities of the west and into the world at large. (Starling) Starlings view is one that is very positive on the vast effects of comput ers and the world of globalization pushing marketing through ‘cyberspace' as a tool for creating world market opportunities in poorer countries.Gabey coincides with his idea of the boom of â€Å"e-commerce† and its worldwide popularity, â€Å"At the time of writing, every four seconds a further eleven organizations establish an Internet presence thereby linking the to the world's most successful, broadly spread communications network – the World Wide Web. BY 2023, worldwide more than 4 billion people will be surfing he Web, from ‘Teeny Techies' (aged 6-16) to ‘Silver Surfers' (aged 50+). (Gabey) Through the benefits of computers and bountiful there are still some negative side effects on society.Society is no longer interested in a common well-being but more of their lives and own problems. The ways of togetherness and the spirit of working together with one another are no longer visible. The ways in which our youth are growing up has drastically cha nged. No longer do kids spend their free time playing with one another or reading books or talking to their family members. The focus is on a screen or idealizing some new gadget. Face-to-face interactions between people have been considerably reduced. The importance of spreading cultural values has been reduced.Computers have drastically affected society to the point that the entire structure of society and some cultures have changed. Starling states that, â€Å"We access the Internet as individuals, rarely groups. We work alone and entertain ourselves alone. We write emails and talk less on the telephone – a different social interaction favoring different skills. The Internet is changing us as individuals, not Just soclety. † (Starllng) We have adapted and altered aspects of our language to accommodate new age erminology with a new vocabulary.Words like boot up, online, upload, download, ‘cloud, email, and various acronyms, such as MAC, PC, www, . com, @, etc. have worked its way into our language. Society has even created new etiquette in communication. Whether for the better or worse computers have had an influential effect on the main sociological institutions of education, economy, and family life. The effects of computer and the technology it had brought fourth are not going to be here for long. That is because the world is forever evolving and adapting and soon society will acclimatize to newer innovations.We cannot predict progress or what will be of our society and culture in the future but we must accept that, good or bad, because the world hold a million and one new possibilities.

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