Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Autism Is Not Just One Disorder And It Affects The Normal...

1 in 68 births in the United States will result in a child with autism. According to the Autism Society of America, it is reported as the fastest-growing disability, reaching epidemic proportions at a rate of 10-17 percent per year. Most parents recognize the signs and symptoms of autism anytime between birth and the first three years of their child’s life. Autism is classified as a neurological disorder and it affects the normal development of a child’s brain. Autism is not just one disorder, but a group of related disorders with a shared set of symptoms. All children on the autism spectrum have three major challenges; they are with social skills ab nd behavior, communication and cognition. Autism can be identified by a certain set of behaviors, but children can have any combination of the behaviors at any degree of severity. In fact, when it comes to their behaviors and abilities, no two kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are the same; each child has their own u nique capabilities, symptoms, and challenges. There are many different treatments and medications used to remedy and lessen the symptoms of autism. They include different types of therapies and training, special diets, vitamin supplements, as well as, complementary and alternative medicines. Music therapy is the most effective treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder. Of all the therapies associated with autism, none achieve more positive results. No other type of treatment helps children toShow MoreRelatedThe Is A Diversity As Well Essay1474 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"I think when one becomes identified with a label that’ll become all anyone sees; the expansiveness and breadth of the all of who you are suddenly hidden from view. I look to the entire history of the label and how it came to be. 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Some doctors believe that autism is a neurological disorder that can and should be treated, as others continue to think it is simply a difference in human adaption that needs to be nurtured and acknowledged. Regardless of what autism may be, it continues to dramatically rise in the number of children and families affected. With autism being based on such a broad spectrum, the affects and causes leaves the medicalRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1575 Words   |  7 Pagessymptoms that have been associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, the name adopted in 2013) including, repetitive movements, emotional difficulties, sensory problems, etc. The exact cause of these symptoms is a widely debated topic. In this paper, I will discuss the overall prevalent causes for Autism as well as the different variations and subgroups. People are familiar with other disorders such as Down syndrome or Trisomy 21. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Dome of the Rock Free Essays

The Dome of the Rock Dennis Stoneman The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem, and is one of the biggest temples in the Islamic religion. It has been a very important spot for thousands of years, and seems that it will remain so for a very long time. Because of the religious beliefs, there are also a lot of conflict that surrounds the temple. We will write a custom essay sample on Dome of the Rock or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both the Jews and the Muslims lay claim to the site, saying it is the most important spot in their religions. The importance of the rock itself dates back to the very inceptions of the two religions. Today it is under scrutiny, as to who has actual claim of the area, and of course which religious claim is the true one. The Jews and Muslims have been feuding for centuries, and I don’t see any stop to it any time soon. With all of the claims between the two parties, I have my own theory. The dome itself is covered with 900 gold plates. Some have called the Dome of the Rock a Muslim masterpiece. There are 17 cisterns, each with its own significance, and style. The Dome of the Rock tells a story about why it is there. One of the most elaborate temples in existence. I think it is very elegant, and distinguished. It took many years for the Dome of the Rock to turn into the magnificent religious structure it is today. The Dome has even undergone several makeovers, has had visitors who are and are not Muslim. At times non Muslims were not permitted. http://www. cyberistan. org/islamic/domerock. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Temple_Mount How to cite Dome of the Rock, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Thucydides vs Plato free essay sample

Thucydides displays empirical thinking in his studies of human nature and behavior during the Peloponnesian War and Plato displays normative thinking in his books and dialogs in particular The Republic Plato views a good life on the ideals that a person has reached happiness. When a person is in a state where they have no desires because they have all love in their life. He believed this to be the same for everyone and that exhibiting total virtue is obtainable by everyone. Plato considers virtue to be obtained when you have all love and all desires you have are gone. Having love does not mean falling in love with a person, but having a mythical understanding of the world. Normative thinking in philosophy is thinking in terms of ideals, values, and how things should be. In The Republic Plato uses normative philosophies as he talks about an ideal society and the principles of justice. We will write a custom essay sample on Thucydides vs Plato or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He focuses mainly on justice and that it is the greatest virtue and if a man is just then they are a happy person. Justice is described as each part of the soul doing its own part that is balance. Justice, in short, is a virtue, a human excellence. His next point is that acting in accordance with excellence brings happiness. Then he ties excellence to ones function. The just person is a happy person is a person who performs his function. Since these are tied together, injustice can never exceed these virtues and so justice is stronger and is the good. In The Republic, Plato refers to a mans soul of having three parts. The mind, which makes decisions, the spirit which gives courage, and the body which are the pleasures regulated by the rational mind. The Greek Historian, Thucydides, showed his imperialistic approach when recounting the history of the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta. He was a realist who had strict standards for evidence or fact gathering, observation, and analysis. He was not influenced by the gods, religious beliefs, or any biases in his recounting of the Peloponnesian war. Thucydides relates the facts of the war with as much facts and truth as possible which is much different than Plato who uses ideals. He was unbiased and completely objective and created a scientific approach to history. Thucydides is not interested in entertaining but to portray the true terrors and horrors of war by accounting events and speaking through others in speeches rather than speaking in his own name. Thucydides imperialistic approach in his documentation of the Peloponnesian war was a precursor of modern history and is based on significant differences for other historians of his time who typically like to write elaborate stories according to their own beliefs and political agenda. He searched for the truth underlying historical events and learned that the motives of men follow certain patterns. Therefore, the proper analysis of the Peloponnesian War would reveal those general principles that also govern human behavior. In conclusion, the two contrasting approaches in philosophy show that Plato clearly uses normative claims in talking about how people ought to act and his moral beliefs. While Plato wrote about ideals and beliefs, Thucydides uses empirical claims basing his writing on first hand observations and experiences during the Peloponnesian War.